Yikes! With my international move from Scotland to the USA, I am way behind on updating this dashboard.
That’s okay, I shared this post about self-grace recently. I just didn’t know I was talking to myself!
Past dashboard results:

I am privileged to serve the leaders in my community. Lucky for mework stayed constant during the move. I can’t wait to share my September results because there was an increase.
Email. Last month I thought I was steadily losing email subscribers all year. This actually wasn’t true. I’ll update the numbers next month, but the email list actually grew by 800 new leaders. Mailchimp didn’t work out for me so I made a decision to go back to ConvertKit and I couldn’t be happier.
Podcast. Both podcasts are a bit down. Last month I pulled the plug on SmarterQueue which “recycled” social media posts. Essentially I would write one post about a podcast and it would get recycled from time to time. I am running an experiment to see just how much that impacts my downloads (if at all).
I am growing tired of social media. I love creating content and have a desire to serve leaders, but the I don’t like how I feel on social media so I’ve been limiting my exposure to it.
I think I actually despise social media. The fear is that many people I could serve won’t know about the content I create for them unless I share it multiple times from multiple social channels. We’ll see if I determine it’s worth starting back up. I didn’t pay for automated tweets in September as well.
Book Sales. I consistently sell between 20-30 books a month. This month was 25.
Website. Traffic was slightly up. I am learning more about SEO and how to leverage organic searches so I can help more leaders that have no idea about me or the podcast.
My significant task completion rate was 83%, an improvement from last month. August and September have felt like scattered months to me. I’m writing this post on September 21 and feel like I’m just starting to get back into a work routine … which is important since I have the first draft of a book due this November!