Each month I post my dashboard results. I do this for myself first because these metrics are important and by making a post, it holds me accountable to do the work. But I also do it in public to teach and inspire you to do the same.

So how did I do in April?

April 2020 dashboard results for school leaders


This is the #1 metric that matters. Without leaders to serve, BLBS does not exist. I am happy to see both the mastermind and 1:1 coaching grow even though we are in a pandemic and down economy. It goes to show how valuable the support is right now and why this crisis is too good to waste.


Email and downloads are down. Book sales and organic traffic (Google search) is up. I have been writing more than usual and as a result sending more email about the posts. Those open rates are higher than usual so I think the downward tick in email subs are a result of overwhelm or people that don’t want to hear from me anymore. As long as open rates stay high (average of the last four emails is 32%), I will keep up this strategy. That is an average of 738 leaders engaging with content each week. That is an encouraging number. For some reason, the Weekend Resource open-rate is abysmal at 12%. I don’t know why that is? It used to be high 20% to high 30%. I wonder if it is because the title is more generic, “Weekend Resource [TODAY’s DATE] vs interesting titles like: A note on empathy, What do you want to hold onto?, You are amazing.

Book sales are a bit up which is great since I do no advertising for that. And organic traffic is up 6% so that must mean I’m targeting the right keywords in posts that I write with Google in mind.

I write 4 posts per month with targeted keywords. These posts tend to be a bit longer compared to my other riffs that the goal is to serve my existing tribe and give them something to think about versus attracting new leaders to BLBS.

Here is an example of a post written for the tribe that many leaders raved about.

This is an example of a post written to show up in Google and attract new leaders to the site.


My productivity was on point in April. I completed 93% of my tasks.


With more leaders to serve comes a 7% increase in revenue.

Past dashboard results:

If you’d like to talk OKRs, productivity, or anything leadership-oriented email me: [email protected]

I have capacity to serve 5 more leaders 1:1 and there are 7 slots open in the mastermind before it is fully closed.

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