Three months ago I started writing to update the BLBS tribe on my monthly results.

This post is focused on transparent leadership and how I track the key metrics that matter to me. My goal is to inspire you to do something similar.

I have 4 categories containing 16 metrics.

Concise. Clear. Easy to get the pulse of Better Leaders Better Schools.

Now that it’s the new year you can see how I started out 2020 compared to last year (where I ended and monthly average).

I also read this in The Daily Stoic today.

When I see an anxious person, I ask myself, what do they want? For if a person wasn’t wanting something outside of their own control, why would they be stricken by anxiety?

Many of these metrics are out of my control, but important. That’s why I only look at them when I update them at the end of the month and create a post like this.

I would be anxious if I looked at these numbers daily. That’s why I only look at inputs on a daily basis.

For example, to fill my live event where I help leaders craft a meaningful school vision what can I control:

  • Sending out personal invites
  • Connecting with leaders in my network to share with people connected to them
  • Creating content about vision with a soft ask to register for the event
  • Talking about the event on my podcast
  • Choosing whether or not to run advertisements on social

What is out of my control? How many people register.

here's a look at my january 2020 dashboard and results

If you enjoyed this post, then you’ll love this post on goal setting and attainment.

And based on the dashboard above you can help me out in a few different ways:

  • Join the world’s best PD for school leaders here
  • Are you an “Edupreneur”? Our mastermind is by invite only. Feel free to email me for a convo to see if you’re right for us.
  • Email me if you’d like to work 1:1
  • If the mastermind isn’t your thing, but you’d still like to grow as a leader — the Productivity Sprint is for you.
  • Subscribe to The Better Leaders Better Schools Podcast on iTunes.
  • Subscribe to The School Leadership Series on iTunes
  • Buy my book (print or audio) here
  • Follow me on Twitter
  • Connect on LinkedIn
  • Email me if you’d like to sponsor the show.
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