Build Resilience on Purpose

Photo by Norbert Braun on Unsplash Trauma and resilience–both are words we hear more and more often in education as we better understand the short and long-term impact of trauma on our students. We are becoming trauma-informed schools and leaders. We have...

Do You Need a Principal Coach?

Years ago, Atul Gawande wrote an article called “Personal Best” in The New Yorker. He explores the question, “Should a surgeon have a coach?” Think about it. If top performers in every other industry have coaches, then why not surgeons? Any...
2022 Letter to the BLBS Tribe

2022 Letter to the BLBS Tribe

4.7To the Loyal Members of the Ruckus Maker Nation: This is the sixth consecutive annual letter to the Ruckus Maker community. I started the tradition in 2017 as a way to update the BLBS community and reflect on the year. This practice is common for publicly traded...