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Daniel Bauer, Author at Better Leaders Better Schools™ - Page 6 of 78

Corey Christman: Celebrating The Hero in You

Corey M. Christman is the winemaker at Bravery Wines, LLC..  He’s a retired Supervisory Special Agent, USAF and a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He’s a Doctoral student at Drexel University studying Educational Leadership. He’s a graduate of the Executive...

Christine Franklyn: How to Double Your Energy in 2022

Christine Franklyn is an international speaker, writer and health coach. She is on a mission to help high-performing leaders get out from under the weight of everything that rests on their shoulders and truly shine. She has reverse-engineered the process she used to...
What I’ve learned publishing three books

What I’ve learned publishing three books

To date I’ve published three books. All are distinctly different and I’ll weave in their story to each of the points I share below. If you get value from this post, please consider buying my latest book so that I can live out my mission “to connect, grow, and...

Jordan Mareno: Solving BIG Problems with Students

Jordan Mareno is a Partnerships Manager at Project Invent, a nonprofit that empowers high school and middle school students to invent technology for community impact. Jordan gravitates towards questions about and celebrations of human purpose, and believes that young...
Q1 2022 OKRs Reflection

Q1 2022 OKRs Reflection

I love setting goals and taking action in public. This is the essence of “showing your work.” By stating what I set out to achieve and sharing my results with the Ruckus Maker Nation, I hold myself accountable for taking action. My results will never be perfect, but...