
Finding your rhythm

For a time the world has changed and forced you to change along with it. In the mastermind last night, one member was vulnerable and shared: “I’m working from 7am-7pm … I’d like to hear how everyone else is managing their days? It feels like I’m a...
Do it in public

Do it in public

One way to be more productive is to announce your goals in public. Don’t be fooled, it may feel easier to work in private (and in secret). The stakes are low when you don’t achieve the goal no one else knew existed. It can be scary to say to other leaders,...
Leading in tough times

Leading in tough times

Today you have a choice. Challenges show us what we’re made of. You can decide to push someone out of the way or you can lend a hand. You can spend the day in bed or you can get up and get to work. Wallowing in the pain of “poor me” doesn’t...

10 Remote Work Tips

Since the summer of 2017, I’ve worked for myself and have been 100% location-independent. All I need is a strong wifi signal and laptop. That way I can create content like this post, record podcasts, and support school leaders through 1:1 coaching and the mastermind....