
For a time the world has changed and forced you to change along with it.

In the mastermind last night, one member was vulnerable and shared:

“I’m working from 7am-7pm … I’d like to hear how everyone else is managing their days? It feels like I’m a first-year principal again. I’m looking for my rhythm.”

If you also are looking for your rhythm, here are some tips to help …

Dress the part. It’s easy to work in your pajamas and robe. For most people, this doesn’t work. Putting on work clothes sends a signal to your brain that it’s time to be a professional. This is an easy step you can implement today.

Structure is necessary. If you haven’t created an ideal week yet, now is the time. I see a lot of posts helping parents create a schedule for their kids. Where is your schedule?

Set timers for your tasks. According to Parkinson’s law: a task expands to the time allotted to it. I gave myself 30 minutes to write this post, share it on social media, schedule it to go out via email. When the timer goes off, I will ship.

Cancel, cut, and shrink your meetings. Many leaders are finding out their meetings are unnecessary. At work people attend because “we’ve always done it this way.” Creating engagement is more difficult in a virtual setting. If the meeting has to do with logistics, send a memo (and cancel the meeting). The second best meeting advice: schedule a meeting for half the time you think it will take (a 60-minute meeting now becomes a 30-minute meeting). You’ll get more done in half the time.

Here are 10 more ideas for how to effectively work in a remote location.

You can create massive value for your organization and not spend all day doing it. The secret is having a system to follow and a community to hold you accountable. In 4 days we’re hosting another productivity sprint. Join other leaders as they find their rhythm in the current reality. You can get more done in less time. We’ll show you how.

Oh, and if you join today you’ll save a bunch on the workshop registration.

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