Alexs Pate: Creating Innocent Classrooms

Alexs has had a diverse career bringing an innovative eye and heart to the areas of education, literature, business and race. He is an award winning author and a passionate proponent for the renovation of the American public education system by infusing our schools...
2020 Letter to the BLBS Tribe

2020 Letter to the BLBS Tribe

To the Loyal Members of the BLBS Tribe (aka Ruckus Makers): This is the fourth consecutive annual letter to the Ruckus Maker community. I started the tradition in 2017 as a way to update the #BLBS tribe and reflect on the year. This practice is common for publicly...

November 2020 Results

This is a monthly post where I update my dashboard to make sure I am moving forward on important metrics. I care about the leaders I have the privilege to serve and the brand awareness that amplifies the signal I’m putting into the universe. Past dashboard...