Deena Pierott: You are valued

Deena Pierott is an Idea Generator and Social Impact Entrepreneur – Founder of the award-winning and nationally recognized STEM+Arts program for youth of color called iUrban Teen and most recently co-founded and launched Black Women in STEM 2.0. Sought-after...

Danny Bauer: The Principal Success Path

DANIEL BAUER is the Chief Ruckus Maker at BETTER LEADERS BETTER SCHOOLS (BLBS). He launched the BLBS Podcast in September 2015. With over one million downloads, the BLBS show is the most influential podcast available for educational leaders. In 2016, he changed how...

Tom Woelper: Tom is building his dream school

Tom Woelper, Founding Head of SchoolNew England Innovation Academy Tom has had a distinguished 31-year career in independent education, most recently serving as the Head of School of Far Hills Country Day School in Far Hills, New Jersey. Prior to his tenure at Far...