Warby Parker is a brilliant company. I bought their glasses multiple times when in the states. Their marketing is genius.

ou open your glass cases for the first time and what do you see? Not only your beautiful pair of new glasses but a message on the inside of the case, “Nice to see you.” 

It’s a small touch and meaningful. It does exactly what Warby Parker wants it to do. Seeing “Nice to smile,” brought a smile to my face and I’ve told this story 1000 times. I am now a part of their marketing team (informally of course).

Word-of-mouth is the best kind of exposure you can get. Even for schools, what do you want your students, staff, and parents to say about you in the community?

They’re talking. Have you given them a story to tell?

And the glasses wipe cloth … It has the company’s origin story in 100 words.

Since a pic is worth a 1000 words, here are two-thousand words:

Your mission statement is why you exist.

Most schools get this wrong with a mission statement so bland and generic it could be any school’s mission.

A strong mission picks an edge and takes a stand.

At Better Leaders Better Schools our mission is to support the growth of innovative school leaders who want to design a better model of education. We’ve done a lot of good in the past, now it’s time to do better.

Here are some example company mission and vision statements.

Warby Parker’s is of course my favorite and follows the “We are a ______ that does _______ for _______ because ________” model nicely.

Warby Parker: To offer designer eyewear at a revolutionary price, while leading the way for socially conscious businesses.

If you could use some help with vision, here are three posts you’ll enjoy:

Next summer, I’ll be hosting a live event on vision as well. Half is sold out, but you can reserve your seat today.

If you could use help right now on building a better school, then we invite you to apply to our leadership community, “The Mastermind.”

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