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Warning: Undefined array key "is_active" in /srv/users/betterleaders-rj4irmq95m/apps/betterleadersbetterschools/public/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/form_display.php on line 2765 Mental Models Archives - Better Leaders Better Schools™
Congrats on landing your first principalship. Now the real work begins … (and if you haven’t signed your contract just yet, read this blog post). The start of a school year is like a rocket launch. You’ve put in tons of effort and planning. The...
Evolution isn’t just for biologists. It is a useful mental model for Ruckus Makers to make sense of life and leadership. The idea is quite simple: adapt or die. “Organisms in nature have survived and thrived for billions of years because they have one powerful...
Have you ever stepped on some gum while walking in the street? It’s annoying because it’s difficult to get off the sole of your shoe and with each step you are slowed down ever so slightly. This is an example of friction — when a force must be...
A few reasons we make poor decisions: We let our emotions get in the way of our logic.We surround ourselves with “yes men” or we don’t expose ourselves to a diversity of thought (e.g. the echo chamber).We have blind spots and do not work to eradicate them with...