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Leadership Archives - Page 14 of 22 - Better Leaders Better Schools™

A crisis too good to waste

The Black Death wiped out hundreds of millions of people.  “And yet, despite the horror it caused, the plague turned out to be a catalyst for social and economic change that was so profound that far from marking the death of Europe, it served as it’s...

Not rocket science

“If you want to be a good reader, read, or a good writer, write. But if you pass thirty days without reading and turn to something else, you’ll notice the consequences.”-Epictetus The mastermind is about exposure. Exposure to great leaders. This encourages and...

2020-2021 Mastermind Book Reading List

In the mastermind, we read one books every two months. We also only read outside of education.  This choice is intentional: School leaders read enough about education.Many education books “sound” the same. We don’t need an echo chamber effect in the...

How to make better decisions

A few reasons we make poor decisions: We let our emotions get in the way of our logic.We surround ourselves with “yes men” or we don’t expose ourselves to a diversity of thought (e.g. the echo chamber).We have blind spots and do not work to eradicate them with...


Right now there are roughly 100 leaders I serve in the mastermind, roughly the size of many school faculties. Checking-in during this crisis is very important, but maybe not doable at scale with intention. So what could you do? Use the org chart. As principal, focus...

Optimism, Pessimism, or Realism?

Optimists say “We’ll be back to school in May.” Pessimists say “The world is over. Everyone will be homeschooling from now on.” Realists say “I will give the best online experience to my kids right now. This sucks, but we’ll make the best of it. I hope we return...