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Daniel Bauer, Author at Better Leaders Better Schools™ - Page 17 of 78

Judy Ulmas: The importance of grateful leadership

Judith W. Umlas is Sr. Vice President, author and trainer at International Institute for Learning, Inc. (IIL), a global corporate training company. She wrote the ground-breaking books including: The Power of Acknowledgment,  Grateful Leadership, Using the Power of...

Houston Kraft: Expressing Kindness in Education

Houston is a speaker, author, and kindness advocate who has spoken at over 600 schools or events internationally. In 2016, he co-founded CharacterStrong – curriculum and training that help teach social and emotional skills. To date, they have worked with over...
Time Blocking Tips: My 6 Rules for an Ideal Week

Time Blocking Tips: My 6 Rules for an Ideal Week

One of my superpowers is being productive and helping leaders get more done as well. There are multiple layers to my framework, but a foundation is creating an ideal week and time blocking. An ideal week is the foundation of productivity. It asks a leader, “What would...