Dave Burgess: 3 Podcast Takeaways
[to listen to the podcast that inspired this post click here] Sometimes, you’ve just gotta be a ruckus-maker! When Dave Burgess set out to write his first book, Teach Like a Pirate, he quickly ran into some barriers put in place by publishing companies that wanted...
The Most Important Leadership Hat: Self Efficacy in Education.
As leaders, the demands on our time are always present and simply demanding. We are pushed, pulled, and sometimes even dragged into situations that we wish, at times, also contained a secret escape hatch. On other occasions, we are like the White Rabbit from...
Four Strategies for School Principals Coping with Stress
2020 has been the most challenging year yet in education. Whether it be from the yo-yo-ing of going from in-person to remote, and back to in-person due to quarantines and school closures among rising COVID numbers in your community, you have undoubtedly felt...