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April 2020 - Page 3 of 5 - Better Leaders Better Schools™

How to make better decisions

A few reasons we make poor decisions: We let our emotions get in the way of our logic.We surround ourselves with “yes men” or we don’t expose ourselves to a diversity of thought (e.g. the echo chamber).We have blind spots and do not work to eradicate them with...


Right now there are roughly 100 leaders I serve in the mastermind, roughly the size of many school faculties. Checking-in during this crisis is very important, but maybe not doable at scale with intention. So what could you do? Use the org chart. As principal, focus...

When they come back to school

Right now the best leaders are devoting time to getting their online schools up and running but they are also planning for the return to school. They have one foot in the present and at least a big toe in the future. School will be back to “normal” someday and you...

Optimism, Pessimism, or Realism?

Optimists say “We’ll be back to school in May.” Pessimists say “The world is over. Everyone will be homeschooling from now on.” Realists say “I will give the best online experience to my kids right now. This sucks, but we’ll make the best of it. I hope we return...