Michael (Mike) Nelson began his career as an elementary school teacher before becoming an elementary school principal. As a district leader, he led learning initiatives in two Washington state school districts. As the superintendent for Washington’s (EEE)Enumclaw school district, he led several initiatives to improve cultural support and academic outcomes for Native students. In 2019, the Washington Association of School Administrators named him the Washington State Superintendent of the Year.
Peter DeWitt (Ed.D) is the founder and CEO of the Instructional Leadership Collective. He was a K-5 teacher for 11 years and a principal for 8 years. For the last 10 years, he has been facilitating professional learning nationally, and internationally, based on the content of many of his best-selling educational books.
Show Highlights
The importance of having an inner fire to do great things for others.
Strategies for lowering suspension rates and conducting classroom walkthroughs.
- free reflection document during the show
The value of listening and understanding from the student perspective
Examples of Success Criteria, implementation and reflecting on student engagement.
How to get school boards to engage in the conversation about the need for coaching at all levels of leadership.
Redefining collaborative communities and collective.
Mike and Peter’s Resources & Contact Info:
Read my latest book!
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Month-to-Month Principal Checklist
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- Space to reflect and not what worked as well as a space of what didn’t work
Go to https://betterleadersbetterschools.com/principal-checklist to download now.
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Why do students struggle? I’d argue that they lack access to quality instruction, but think about it. That’s totally out of their control. What if there was something we could teach kids there was something within their control that would help them be successful in every class? It’s not a magic pill or a figment of your imagination.
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