Invitation to 3rd Cohort of the Principal Success Path

As a chronically late student, Daniel Bauer once told his Chemistry teacher a fib about saving an entire girl scout troop from a burning building to get out of a tardy. Daniel is not sure if it was the very made up story, the very real cookie he offered his teacher,...

Q2 2021 OKRs Reflection

Each quarter I take a deeper dive into my goals. In this post, I will reflect on my Q2 (April – June) 2021 results. Steal my process for goal reflection and use it to boost your leadership. This post (OKRs are a leader’s secret productivity weapon) will get you...

Q1 2021 OKRs Reflection

Each quarter I take a deeper dive into my goals. In this post, I will reflect on my Q1 (January-Feb) 2021 results. Steal my process for goal reflection and use it to boost your leadership. This post (OKRs are a leader’s secret productivity weapon) will get you...
2020 Letter to the BLBS Tribe

2020 Letter to the BLBS Tribe

To the Loyal Members of the BLBS Tribe (aka Ruckus Makers): This is the fourth consecutive annual letter to the Ruckus Maker community. I started the tradition in 2017 as a way to update the #BLBS tribe and reflect on the year. This practice is common for publicly...