Shbrone Brookings

Principal @ Ralph Downs Elementary

“After joining the mastermind, I instantly possess an attainable network of global resources.”

Tell us what you do and what your work typically entails.

I’m an elementary principal in Oklahoma City that gets the opportunity to create a positive educational environment with a focus on learning, growth, and overall success. I love my job. My daily work entails making decisions that impact the lives of our students and teachers. I attempt to see the brilliance in others and encourage them to see it in themselves. My desire is for everyone in my school to feel respected and connected.

How has the mastermind helped you grow as a principal?

The mastermind provides engaging and impactful gatherings with world-class school leaders. Within a short amount of time, we build strong relationships, share ideas and strategies, and support one another in various ways. Being inspired by the process, I have noticed that my building level meetings and daily interactions with friends and family are much more intentional and meaningful.

What’s the best part of the mastermind?

You are instantly surrounded by positive people where you can be vulnerable, affirmed, and challenged. Ideally, when I purposefully meet with colleagues, I like to leave feeling better than when I arrived. I consistently get that feeling every week. I believe my commitment to the mastermind is a great investment in my future.

What is one way the mastermind has helped you approach leadership differently?

I am much more proactive. As a school leader, I was typically reactive regarding new technology, techniques, and applications. I would usually wait for a few other people to test things out before I felt comfortable with any implementation. This community is composed of dynamic, cutting-edge, risk-takers that have encouraged me to do the same. We regularly discuss tips and innovative ways to work more effectively and efficiently. I now have access to such an abundance of resources, and I currently do not hesitate to step out of my comfort zone and be the first in my district to spearhead new things.

What advice would you give a leader considering joining the mastermind?

Do it! It is a special place that will enable you to effectively learn, reflect, and level up as a leader.

Learn more about the mastermind here, or

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Note: Admissions are rolling and based on availability. Either way, someone from our team will reach out with next steps.

The application takes about 9 minutes to complete.

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