Principal @ Ellis Middle School

Tell us what you do and what your work typically entails.

I am currently a middle school principal in Minnesota while speaking, writing, and consulting on the side. My work really centers around building relationships with those I serve. From my teenage boys, to the teachers across the United States I connect and support, relationships will always be my core and what takes up most of my time. Day to day that looks like being a visible leader in the halls, in department meetings, and with families on home visits. That also requires me to set healthy boundaries between work and life so I can be an engaged, involved, and a caring wife and parent at home. 

How has the mastermind helped you?

The mastermind is a wonderful place to become connected with other leaders on a consistent basis. That consistency builds deep relationships and people who are willing to help you think differently about your leadership, look at problems from different views, and support you in achieving goals in your work, your life, and passions. 

What’s the best part of the mastermind?

The connections. I have enjoyed it the past four years meeting so many incredible leaders and walking their journeys with them. Through these relationships, I have become better in my own leadership by thinking about things differently and seeing how others lead their schools and within their positions. 

What is one way the mastermind has helped you approach leadership differently? 

The readings. I would never even known about many of the books we have read in the Mastermind. By diversifying what I am reading I have become a more well-rounded leader and continue to seek ways to develop these skills because of not only the readings, but what we discuss during the mastermind. 

What advice would you give a leader considering joining the mastermind?

Make the commitment, do the work. It is worth it. 

Apply for the Mastermind

Note: Admissions are rolling and based on availability. Either way, someone from our team will reach out with next steps.

The application takes about 9 minutes to complete.

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