Before I bought my first fountain pen, I wondered, “Does it work?”

I looked at reviews on Amazon and watched YouTube explainer videos before making the purchase.

Maybe you’ve had the same thought regarding the mastermind. Does it work?

The other day I was recording a new podcast with a mastermind member, Paige. I asked about her mastermind experience and why she joined. Paige said, “I was looking to join a group of leaders as dedicated as I was to my own professional development.

The mastermind works for Paige because she has finally found a group of leaders that can keep up with her. She was tired of feeling like the only one in her district who wanted more and was willing to work for it.

Chris shared this with his mastermind peers the other night, “I wanted to share something because it is the result of being a part of this Mastermind group over the past few years. This is not to point at me, but to point at the impact that being here has had. It came from a staff member today after a long and relatively tough staff meeting planning for the moving back into the school.

He wrote to me, ‘I have said this to about 42 people – maybe more – but damn, you are the best person to deal with in this situation. I have had seven principals here, and only one other could have handled this in such a human way.

You may have been thrown into this, and maybe you had not yet developed a “management style” before this, but bringing the open, human, warm approach to a staff like this in a situation like this (while being direct and firm where necessary) is truly the answer. I bet you really settled some folks down despite the anxiety around this situation. Certainly helps me – and I am pretty sure I speak for legions of others. I am stopping before I get teary!!'”

Chris was prepared to deal with the pandemic. The years of mastermind support helped him be the leader his community needed him to be.

I’ve enjoyed watching Chris mature from an AP to a Principal over the last few years. That was his story. What could be yours?

If you are wondering more about “Does the mastermind work?”, I would recommend checking out the FAQ and YesAQ at the bottom of the mastermind page.

And when you’re ready to level up and surround yourself with those who want more and are willing to work for it, then fill out an application.

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