The other day I was surfing the internet and found myself on a page that sold very interesting (and tiny) human anatomical models. This idea inspired me to answer the question, “What makes a good leader?” by drawing a principal and identifying the characteristics that...
As a school leader how do you want to show up? There are major differences between being a manager vs a leader. This post will explore five of those differences. Differences in process Managers care about efficiency. If you manage a McDonalds you want the super-sized...
Many of the articles online discuss the pros and cons of asynchronous and synchronous learning from one perspective (e.g. the teacher’s perspective) or are designed to help educators prepare their lessons for each kind of learning. This blog post is different in two...
Principal @ Grant’s Lick Elementary “As a principal new to the role, the mastermind has given me the confidence and exposure to great ideas around the world.” Tell us what you do and what your work typically entails I am currently the Principal of an...
Principal at Foreign Language Immersion and Cultural Studies School “After joining the mastermind, I was involved in a supportive community of individuals who wanted deeper learning from others in the field.” Tell us what you do and what your work typically...
Since 2016 we’ve coached and developed the leadership capacity of 100+ administrators on every continent (except Antarctica of course!). Part of our program includes reading a diverse range of leadership books from outside of education. We do this on purpose for...