The bullies better watch out
We’ll have traumatized students and staff when we return to school. We’ve been through a pandemic and paid a heavy price. Of course, we should care and be sensitive to our communities’ needs. However, that is just one side of the coin. What if our...Using Empathy to Build Something Great
A few weeks ago, I wrote this post on how to attract great teachers. After you read today’s post, click back to what I just linked because you’ll want to download or screenshot an amazing tool called the empathy map. My assertion was that using a tool like...
Attracting great teachers
One way to attract great teachers is to think about what they want in a school. I’m currently reading Business Model Generation in a mastermind I lead for edupreneurs. There are many handy tools in the book, one being the empathy map. The challenge: block out an...
10 things every new principal should know
Be yourself Some of my biggest mistakes were made because I was being inauthentic to who I truly was. It’s good to emulate your heroes, but at some point you have to trust yourself and develop your own style of leadership. The sooner you will drive more results...