
The mastermind is soooo much more than a book club, but we do read loads of great books.

Time and again, members tell me that they appreciate what we read.

I love the reading — it has really inspired me and made me a more thoughful leader.


We avoid books on education at all costs. That’s because you read plenty of education books as a school leader.

I’m an out-of-the-box thinker. Taking ideas from other disciplines and applying it to education has always been an advantage.

[bctt tweet=”Check out this list of books @alienearbud and the mastermind are reading this year. #education #blbs #HustleForGood #RuckusMaker” via=”no”]

The following books make up the mastermind curriculum for SY 19-20:

Measure What Matters

This book is about OKRs (objectives and key results). If you want to take your goal setting and productivity to new heights; pick this book up. It will work for you personally and organizationally.

The Art of Gathering

The assertion is simple: We gather automatically without considering why and this leads to lackluster gatherings. This book will inspire you to create meaningful events. Upgrade your “Back to School Nights,” leadership team meetings, one-on-ones, etc.

Dare to Lead

I hope you are familiar with Brené Brown’s work. She’s a champion and big inspiration to me. This book will help you become a more authentic leader.

The Big Leap

I read this book last year and my mind exploded ?.

It helped me realize I create the upper-limit challenges I face and I can navigate past those challenges. Read this book if you are interested in creating more value for your organization and if you want to live a life of abundance.

Radical Candor

This text will help you coach and support your direct reports. The author suggests her toolbox will take ten hours a week to implement and save you from a range of headaches you probably already experience managing people.

I hope you join us in the mastermind, but even if you don’t I challenge you to pick up one (or all) of these titles to help you grow this year.

We are launching a 5th cohort of the mastermind this fall and are looking for founding membersIf that’s you, then apply to the mastermind here.

Go Make a Ruckus,

❤️ DB

PS … If you love to read and want some social “Street cred” why not share this post on social? People will think you’re really smart for suggesting these awesome books to read ?

[bctt tweet=”Here are 5 books that educators should read to level up this year #education #blbs #HustleForGood #RuckusMaker” username=”alienearbud”]

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