Resilience expert Deborah Gilboa, MD, aka “Dr. G” works with families, organizations, and businesses to identify the mindset and strategies to turn stress to an advantage. Renowned for her contagious humor, Dr. G works with groups across multiple generations, to rewire their attitudes and beliefs, and create resilience through personal accountability and a completely different approach to adversity. Author of the new book From Stressed to Resilience, she is a leading media personality seen regularly on TODAY, Good Morning America and The Doctors. Dr. G is board certified attending family physician and is fluent in American Sign Language. She resides in Pittsburgh with her four boys.
Travis Allison hates mushy fruit but loves jam. It’s not just fruit that Travis thinks about in great detail. His creative and conscientious persona has made him a keynote speaker at conferences across the US and Canada.
Travis knows his mission: to help organizations create spaces where children and young adults can be truly noticed and appreciated.
Show Highlights
Solve “pain points” to normalize feeling inadequate in the “new normal” for your learning community.
Systematize kids’ contributions to create connections to your community.
Tips for schools prove your mission and vision.
Savvy public school leaders use this loyalty marketing tool.
You can’t be an expert in everything but use your expertise to focus feedback.
How to meet frustration with a little gratitude, some empathy and curiosity?
The private podcast you need to take the pressure off educators and help parents feel like allies.
Intentionally design engaging moments with the most powerful thing you can give a child.
Successful ways to connect with millennial parents.
Address children’s mental health issues without developing a new set of skills.
“The lens that I look at this through involves kids, whether it’s in building or cleaning, not to teach them a skill and check it off, which is valuable, but to depend on them for their work is the difference between being wanted, which is great and needed. There’s a lot of neuroscience research that as soon as we perceive we are needed by a community, we are then much more connected to that community. Travis talked about the power of being seen. A great way to help kids feel seen is to say, `we need you.’”

Travis Allison and Dr G’s Resources & Contact Info:
Do you want to start a podcast for your school?
Dr G
Travis Allison

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