“As a principal new to the role, the mastermind has given me the confidence and exposure to great ideas around the world.”

Tell us what you do and what your work typically entails 

I am currently the Principal of an Elementary school (K-5)  in rural Northern Kentucky. My work primarily revolves around staff development and building school culture. In a workplace with limited resources I serve as both an instructional coach and principal to 25 staff members. This means that I wear a variety of other hats, but improving instructional capacity amongst teachers is the one that I enjoy wearing the most. 

How has the mastermind helped you?

The Mastermind has helped me to diversity my thought process by being able to connect with leaders from an array of backgrounds. As a result, I am able to see problems, and solutions, from all sides and come to the best possible answer. Sometimes, this process occurs even when I am not the one asking a question or offering an opinion but merely listening to another person’s perspective. As a result of the Mastermind, I have learned to understand the many-sidedness of running a school and this has helped me become a greater resource to the people I serve.

What’s the best part of the mastermind?

The opportunity to connect with so many talented leaders from across the globe. The principalship can be a lonely chair to sit in, especially when you’re the only administrator in a building. The Mastermind has allowed me to network with other administrators that act as a sounding board to challenge and broaden my thinking. 

What is one way the mastermind has helped you approach school leadership differently?

The Mastermind has helped me realize that I am not always going to possess the perfect answer to every scenario that running a school can throw at you. Instead, it is better to help build the capacity of your people to fill in your weaknesses so that you can concentrate on your greatest strengths, and leverage them to elevate your staff. 

What advice would you give a leader considering joining the mastermind?

Do it! This has single-handedly been one of the most invigorating professional/personal development tools I have encountered. The fact that you have a community of leaders that not only know what it feels like to sit in your chair, but have also been in the situations you are trying to navigate, has helped give me the confidence and clarity of thought to guide my building. 

Anything else you’d like to say about the mastermind?

I am thankful to be a part of a dedicated group of educators that are committed to honing their craft to impact change for their community of learners. 

Apply for the Mastermind | Level up Your School Leadership

Note: Admissions are rolling and based on availability. Either way, someone from our team will reach out with the next steps.

The application takes about 9 minutes to complete.

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