Yesterday, I looked back on my Q2 goals and did a deep-dive reflection.

Today, I look forward to what I want to accomplish. I took some of my own advice (finally!) and limited my OKRs. This will be important because I am coaching for the altMBA 41/42 session (July/August) and then will make an international move to New York in August.

I chose four objectives instead of five and limited the amount of key results to five or less for each goal. If you want to know more about the goal-setting system I use, check out this post on OKRs or buy this book.

Below are my Q3 Goals:

I’ll update you on my results in the beginning of October.

How you can help …

One goal is to increase my brand awareness. The “Why” that guides all my work is “Everyone wins when a leader gets better. Everyone wins when you get better.” I live out this mission by creating content leaders find valuable. If you have benefitted from this free content make sure you first subscribe to my podcasts and then share the episodes on social media.

If you could use some individual leadership coaching, I can work with two additional leaders. Email me if you are ready to identify your BIG ARROW and make progress toward that goal.

Leading in isolation is a choice. Join a leadership community designed just for school administrators and level up your skill set. We are accepting applications here and have six openings. The mastermind serves school leaders on every continent, except Antarctica ?

If you run your own business serving education, I’d love to invite you to our “edupreneur” mastermind. I don’t have a page for it and usually invite business-owners in my network. If this is you, I’d be happy to tell you more. Email me ([email protected]). This is not for pre-revenue businesses. We don’t teach you how to start a business or validate an idea. This is for established businesses serving education currently. We teach you how to take your business to the next level and to do it with a trusted board of directors.

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