Quotes are powerful and quote posts, popular.

Bur rather than write a post by myself, I figured I’d invite some of my friends from our leadership community, “The mastermind.”

It’s always better to look for a win-win in any situation. Today’s win-win: create a helpful post for you and promote my friends.

Thank you to the group of Ruckus Makers that contributed to today’s post.

The quotes …

What is success?

“Who are we being as we go back into the world…I have a definition of success. It’s not about wealth and fame and power, it’s about how many shining eyes I have around me.”
-Ben Zander

Chris comments: It challenges me to reflect on my own actions, but focus on the impact I am having on others. When I make a decision, one goal should be to make a choice that allows others to shine.

Chris writes his blog here and tweets here.

You choose: light or dark, love or hate

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”

Nick reflects: As a leader, we need to fight darkness with light, negativity with positivity, hate with love. And we need our people to do the same.

Nick’s Twitter and website.

Supercharge Your School Leadership With These Ten Stoic Ideas

The timeless wisdom of Stoic philosophy can supercharge your leadership today.

Get instant access to ten powerful quotes and meditations that will help you level up. I’ll also share my seven favortite books on Stoicism as well.

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Challenge the gap

“The largest pool of untapped resources in the world today is humans’ good intentions that don’t translate into action.” 

-Lloyd Nimetz

According to Aubrey Patterson: Effective leaders challenge the knowing-doing gap and are unwilling to tolerate these gaps or the obstacles that might lead to inaction. Such gap-intolerant leaders understand that learning and leadership grow in the context of taking action.

Check out Aubrey on Twitter or his website.

Reframing failure with a growth mindset

“I never lose. I either win or I learn.”

-Nelson Mandela

Joshua Stamper’s take on this quote: As a leader, we consistently experience adversity and trials. If we don’t possess a growth mindset, we are destined to view our actions as a failure instead of a learning experience.

You can follow Joshua on Twitter or check out his website.

Supercharge Your School Leadership With These Ten Stoic Ideas

The timeless wisdom of Stoic philosophy can supercharge your leadership today.

Get instant access to ten powerful quotes and meditations that will help you level up. I’ll also share my seven favortite books on Stoicism as well.

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A reminder of your greatest contribution

“Human beings are happiest and able to deploy their talents to their best ability when they experience trusted others as standing behind them.”  

-John Bowlby

My friend Karine says: I have this quote on my desk because it is my greatest contribution to my community (teachers, parents, and students) to be a “trusted other” at our Table of Learning. From this trusting place, we are able to champion the extraordinary potential that lives within every child.

Karine tweets here or check out her website.

Tradition often is dangerous

“The most dangerous phrase in language is, ‘We’ve always done it that way.’”

-Grace Hopper

Joe Clausi on tradition: CTE (career & technical education) is not an alternative route anymore, it’s the most effective way to achieve successful results when preparing students for college and career readiness.

You can check out Joe, the “Traveling Principal,” here.

What should you read next?

I’ve written before about 10 powerful leadership quotes and 12 quotes every school leader should consider.

If you love the podcast, this quote episode is for you.

If you love quotes, I assume you also love books. Click here to see what books you should read as a school leader.

Supercharge Your School Leadership With These Ten Stoic Ideas

The timeless wisdom of Stoic philosophy can supercharge your leadership today.

Get instant access to ten powerful quotes and meditations that will help you level up. I’ll also share my seven favortite books on Stoicism as well.

We won’t send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

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