When it comes to the mastermind, some leaders think it’s too expensive.

My response, “Maybe.”

You see, price is relative.

And what many people miss (and this is very important), there is a cost to inaction …

What will it cost you personally, your community, and your students if you don’t seriously invest in your leadership development.

Enough about that, let’s talk cars for a moment …

Years ago I bought all my cars used and in cash.

Yes, I had them checked out by a mechanic to make sure they operated properly and would be reliable. Instead of paying a $400 car payment to a dealer for 5 years, I paid it to myself.

The last used car I bought was a luxury car — an Acura RDX. I paid around $10K and it took me just over two years to be able to afford it in cash. 

This year I bought a brand new Subaru Forester. I got the top trim. It cost almost $30K.

It is a more expensive car, than the used Acura I bought last. I didn’t pay cash, but I can afford the payments. My wife values knowing that the car won’t break down and getting a new car nearly guarantees that.

My wife’s peace of mind was worth spending 3x more on a car.

One day I’d love to own a Tesla Model X. 

It’s fast. It’s electric. 

You mean I can drive fast and have a car that is better for the environment? 

Count. Me. In.

A Tesla X starts above $80K. One day I will purchase that car. It’s on my dream list and when I hit a certain business revenue goal, I will purchase this car as a reward for years of hard work. 

Objectively, it’s more expensive than my used Acura and new Subaru.

But people can afford it. Some people even pay for it in cash.

Because price is relative.

Price is also a story.

I have a Peloton now. That was about $2K. I’ve worked out 10-days in a row since it was delivered to my home.

The investment was worth it. 

The story I tell myself: “I’m the type of person who enjoys being fit and healthy.”

That was absolutely worth $2K.

A year in the mastermind is much less expensive than a car and a little more than a Peloton. 

What’s the story you want to tell yourself after joining a leadership experience that guarantees you will become more effective?

Here are some stories current members tell themselves.

Anita says, “When I think of the mastermind, I think of a safe space to be, to think, to move outside of my comfort zone and to be challenged.”

Jesse says, “These three words describe my mastermind experience: uplifting, challenging, sacred”

Gene says, “This is the best PD I’ve ever experienced.”

To Anita, Jesse, Gene and the 60+ members in our community, their stories are powerful and the cost of admission is absolutely worth it.

<<<Click here to read more case studies from current members in our community>>>

What is worth more than developing your skills and becoming a more effective leader?

When leaders say the mastermind is too expensive that’s not what they’re really saying.

What they’re really saying is that they don’t trust the promise the mastermind makes — that you will become a more effective leader.

They hide behind the idea of “too expensive” because it lets them off the hook. 

You see, if the mastermind is too expensive and you don’t do it, you can blame the price of admission to the mastermind for your lack of leadership growth.

And you can go back to doing the same things, getting the same results.

But there is an alternative …

It’s your choice

You can decide that you are worth the investment.

You can get excited by the opportunity to connect with innovative leaders around the world on a weekly basis.

You can imagine what it will be like to lead with more confidence, make better decisions, and create a world-class culture.

The choice is yours.

I wish I could say that the mastermind is “the best” professional development available for school leaders.

Truth is, it’s not.

It’s the best professional development for Ruckus Makers.

So if you are an innovative leader making change happen in education, the mastermind is right for you.

If you dream about a future of education that is better, the mastermind is for you.

If you have ever shared an idea with your colleagues, only to have them stare back at you like you’re crazy, then the mastermind is certainly for you.

Test us. 

I promise you won’t be disappointed.

And imagine the story you will tell yourself when you grow by leaps and bounds over the next 12-months with us.

Learn more and apply to the mastermind today.

We also recently opened our first-ever women’s only mastermind cohort

Keep Making a Ruckus,

PS … yes this blog on the surface is about joining the mastermind and what it costs … but the deeper message is about the stories we tell ourselves, trust, and removing friction for those you serve.

PPS … Test us out. If you join the mastermind, have great attendance, take action on the ideas, and you do not think your leadership improved, then I’ll refund 100% of your investment. 

I can make that sort of bold guarantee because I know the quality of the mastermind and I think you do too.

Are you ready to leap?

Apply today: https://betterleadersbetterschools.com/mastermind-application

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