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Decision making and effective communication - Better Leaders Better Schools™

Have you ever wondered how a leader arrived at a decision?

“What the hell was she thinking?” You might have said.

Your people say that about you, if you don’t communicate effectively.

You don’t need to justify every decision you make, but it makes sense for the we-are-changing-the-direction-of-the-ship, major decisions within your organization.

What the decision was and why you made it are both important to consider.

But this next part will put you in the top 1% of leaders.

Explain how the decision was made.

Not only will this give me confidence in your leadership, I will trust you more because of your candor, and you’ll build my capacity because you taught me your process.

If you need a better process for making difficult decisions, this post is for you.

I also have a free decision journal which you can download below.

You are one download away from making better decisions. Grab your free copy of my decision journal here

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