If you show up at the same time, at the same place, doing the same thing you are consistent. Consistency builds trust.

The trust earned by your consistency is then evaluated by the quality of what you are putting into the universe.

That didn’t work out well for the boy who cried wolf. He consistently lied so when it mattered the villagers didn’t believe him.

The reason the Better Leaders Better Schools is the most downloaded podcast for school leaders — it is a high-quality show and I’ve shipped a podcast every Wednesday since September of 2015.

The mastermind also works because the quality is excellent and our meetings happen at the same place, same time each week. The process that grows our members follows a consistent pattern. It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you have a team of trusted advisors ready and willing to challenge you to be better.

Where are you showing up consistently? Where do you need to be?

Are you crying wolf or are you making the world a better place through your work?

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