Welcome to the Better Leaders Better Schools podcast. This is a weekly show for ruckus makers — What is a ruckus maker? A leader who has found freedom from the status quo. A leader looking to escape the old routine. A leader who never, ever gives up.
Why is career advancement for women more difficult than it is for men? What can women do to fight the bias at workplaces?
People put you into buckets based on who they perceive you to be. Women have had it all rough. Their ambitions and competence get questioned all the time. For instance, how can she deliver at work yet she has a baby to nurture? How can she be so ambitious?
Our guests today are here to help us understand how we can fight bias at workplaces. According to our guests, it all begins with demonstrating confidence, even when you are not confident.
Women are very often perceived as too weak, too sweet, too nice to be effective. If they’re very effective, then they’re considered to be unpleasant and unlikeable.
We hope you enjoy the podcast. All the highlights, resources, and next steps can be found below. Listen to the full episode here and learn more at betterleadersbetterschools.com
Key Talking Points
- How to deal with stereotyping that comes from transitioning from a smaller firm to a larger firm
- Where do we begin the journey of being comfortable to talk about our accomplishments?
- How can we enroll men in the bias conversation, and how can we get them to invest in the needed change?
- Goldilocks dilemma
What to do about Workplace Bias
Key Milestones of the Episodes
[03:22] Transitioning from a smaller firm to a larger firm. How to deal with the stereotyping
[06:26] Talking about our accomplishments
[07:42] How can we engage men in the conversation against bias?
[11:10] Goldilocks dilemma
Key Quotes
- “The way we present ourselves gives other people an idea of who we are.”
- “The balance between communal and agentic behaviors is dependent on the ability to manage the impressions that you create that other people have of you.”
Key Resources
- Website
- It’s Not You It’s the Workplace: Women’s Conflict at Work and the Bias that Built It by Andrea S. Kramer and Alton B. Harris

About Our Guest
Andie Kramer and Al Harris are married practicing lawyers. They have been mentoring women and speaking and writing about gender communication for more than 30 years. Andie and Al offer women unique, balanced, and highly practical advice they can use to prevent gender biases from slowing or derailing their careers.
Join the BLBS Mastermind
What kind of leader makes a good mastermind member? Danny asks members that he already serves and this it what they said about their peers:
Mastermind members are supportive, wise and not afraid to kick your butt! ~Eileen, Deputy Head of Schools in China
Courageous, risk takers and learners are how I describe my mastermind peers. ~Chris, VP in Canada
Mastermind members are generous, driven and are never satisfied with the status quo. ~Melody, Principal in Kentucky
If that sounds like you or people you want to surround yourself with apply today at https://betterleadersbetterschools.com/mastermind/
**Our 5th mastermind cohort is launching and is hands down the best professional development a leader can engage in. Join Today!**
Tip of the Week
Be Consistent: Consistency leads to trust. Make sure you are doing what you say you are going to do each day. Follow through and be consistent with your teachers. Your authentic leadership depends on it. People love a leader who they trust.
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