Madeleine Mortimore: Question Your Assumptions

Madeleine Mortimore is the Global Education Innovation and Research Lead for Logitech, where she leads research on EdTech hardware. With years of experience as a classroom teacher, Madeleine has developed a curriculum for grades 4-12. Her research experience includes...

You are NOT a leader

Mark’s passion is to release untapped leadership potential in people. So much leadership is wasted when the world defines leadership too narrowly. Mark’s work helps people to better understand themselves and grow to be comfortable leading out of who they...

Bonus: Leading Equity in your school

Sheldon L. Eakins, Ph.D. is the Founder of the Leading Equity Center and host of the Leading Equity Podcast. He is also the author of Leading Equity: Becoming an Advocate for All Students. With over 11 years in education, he has served as a teacher, principal, and...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine: Your Mess Your Message

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine helps overworked and exhausted Educational Leaders on the verge of burnout increase their work-life balance, so they can lead their organizations AND live the life they DESERVE! She is a leader, author, speaker, podcast host, and executive...