Welcome to the Better Leaders Better Schools podcast.  This is a weekly show for ruckus makers — What is a ruckus maker?  A leader who has found freedom from the status quo. A leader looking to escape the old routine. A leader who never, ever gives up.

As a school head, you can’t make ruckus sitting in your office with the four walls surrounding you and all the business of public education happening out in the school. Our guest today, Andy Lindsay tell us how he built himself a mobile office which ended up as a learning inspiration for an autistic student in the school.

We hope you enjoy the podcast. All the highlights, resources, and next steps can be found below. Listen to the full episode here and learn more at betterleadersbetterschools.com

Key Talking Points 

  1.     What is a mobile office?
  2.     The development and advancement of Andy’s mobile office
  3.     The unintended consequences of the mobile office
  4.     Andy’s communication system between him and the teachers
  5. What is the French fries challenge

Key Milestones of the Episodes

[03:50]  Andy’s introduction

[05:25]  What’s a mobile office?

[06:08]  Development and advancement of Andy’s mobile office

[09:44]  The unintended consequences of the mobile office

[13:11]  The communication system

[17:01]  The French fries challenge

[22:33]  Danny’s ideal stuff profile

[29:06]  Danny’s top three priorities for his dream school

Key Quotes

  1. “Isolation is the number one enemy of excellence and it is also a choice.”
  2. “Sometimes we exist in a vacuum of natural talent and that will only get us so far.”
  3. Effective school leaders need to connect with others that can help them accelerate their growth and pass their knowledge on to as well.”
  4. “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
  5. “You can’t make ruckus sitting in your office with the four walls surrounding you and all the business of public education happening out in the school.”
  6. “There are so many neat opportunities out there that are not in textbooks, but they’re real.”
  7. “Helpful teachers have to be helpful by nature.”
  8. “Passion will lead you to success more than a desire for money.”
  9. “I can inspire their passion, but they’ve got to have it in the corner to begin with.”
  10. “We cannot be inflexible in any way. Flexibility has to be part of our part of everyday life for us.”

 Key Resources 

  1. School Leadership Reimagined Podcast- Robyn Jackson
  2. School Leadership Series with Daniel Bauer

About Our Guest

Andy Lindsey has worked in public education for 22 years as a teacher, coach, tech leader, mentor association leader and Dean of Students. For the past five years, Andy has served as an assistant principal, he has won statewide awards in Michigan as a first year teacher, social studies teacher and as an assistant principal. His secret sauce is passion for learning, leadership and kids.


Tip of the Week

Network! Sometimes we exist in a vacuum of natural talent and that will only get us so far. So effective school leaders need to connect with others that can help them accelerate their growth and pass their knowledge on to as well.




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