Welcome to the Better Leaders Better Schools podcast. This is a weekly show for ruckus makers — What is a ruckus maker? A leader who has found freedom from the status quo. A leader looking to escape the old routine. A leader who never, ever gives up.
How can you attack the white supremacy culture? Why is it that we are so afraid to talk about race? Why is it so difficult for us to kick start the conversation?
White supremacy has affected our schools but we are shy to talk about it. Our Ruckus maker today takes us through the white supremacy issue in our schools and its remedy.
Joe Truss is a fourth year principal of Visitation Valley Middle School in San Francisco. He is working to bring PBL to the hood and empower students to rise above the odds. In addition, Joe Truss is a leadership coach helping educators to engineer for equity. He focuses on long-term planning, racial equity in the transformation of adult culture.
We hope you enjoy the podcast. All the highlights, resources, and next steps can be found below. Listen to the full episode here and learn more at betterleadersbetterschools.com
Challenging White Supremacy
Key Talking Points
- The journey to end white supremacy culture
- White supremacy in our organizations and schools
- The illusion of objectivity
Key Milestones of the Episodes
[07:06] Joe’s introduction
[08:56] Joe’s catalyst to pursue white supremacy
[11:20] First attempt to fighting racism
[12:03] How to get back after defeat
[17:54] Implementing change and learning
[20:20] Is school an exercise of power hoarding?
[25:51] The great release and a sneak peek into the future.

Key Quotes
- “Vulnerability leads to authenticity and trust.”
- “We fight for equity because it’s so important.”
- “School is an exercise of power hoarding.”
- “People can drive their own learning once they want to.”
- “Decolonize your mind.”
Key Resources
Culturally Responsive Leadership
Culturally Responsive Leadership 1
About Our Guest
Joe Truss is a 4th year Principal of Visitacion Valley Middle School, in San Francisco. He is working to bring PBL to the hood and empower students to rise above the odds. In addition, Joe Truss is a Leadership Coach helping educators to engineer for equity. He focuses on long term planning racial equity and the transformation of adult culture.
Tip of the Week
Being Vulnerable: Let those you lead know that you are human. Let them know that you are passionate about everything you are working on. Being vulnerable leads to authenticity and trust. Trust is so important and with trust you can accomplish almost anything. Listen to the podcast for an excellent vulnerability activity you can do with your teachers and teachers can do with students. Being vulnerable is an excellent characteristic of a strong leader.
Join the BLBS Mastermind
What kind of leader makes a good mastermind member? Danny asks members that he already serves and this it what they said about their peers:
Mastermind members are supportive, wise and not afraid to kick your butt! ~Eileen, Deputy Head of Schools in China
Courageous, risk takers and learners are how I describe my mastermind peers. ~Chris, VP in Canada
Mastermind members are generous, driven and are never satisfied with the status quo. ~Melody, Principal in Kentucky
If that sounds like you or people you want to surround yourself with apply today at https://betterleadersbetterschools.com/mastermind/
**Our 5th mastermind cohort is launching and is hands down the best professional development a leader can engage in. Join Today!**
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