Welcome to the Better Leaders Better Schools podcast.  This is a weekly show for ruckus makers — What is a ruckus maker?  A leader who has found freedom from the status quo. A leader looking to escape the old routine. A leader who never, ever gives up.

In this episode, Dr. Larry Hausner, an educator with decades of experience and owner of a school leadership training firm, discusses how school leaders (particularly principals) can unleash their change-make power successfully and achieve joy while working a complicated job. Dr. Hausner shared how he implemented change in school districts over his career and used that experience to help other school leaders have more satisfying careers.

We hope you enjoy the podcast. All the highlights, resources, and next steps can be found below. Listen to the full episode here and learn more at betterleadersbetterschools.com

Key Talking Points 

  •     The key to making successful change as a school leader
  •     What you should do as a school leader during the first year
  •     The top “pet peeves” that Dr. Hausner faced..and how he tackled them
  •    Why coaching for principals is a good thing
  •    How school leaders can achieve joy and meaning in their roles

Key Milestones of the Episodes

[5:50] Navigating Change: Dr. Hausner shares the most important thing to remember as a changemaker


[13:06] What Change Looks Like: Dr. Hausner shares some changes he introduced into schools and how he successfully did it


[17:05] The Power of Patience: The perspective school leaders should have when moving staff through a change


[19:00] Coaching & Principals: Why principals need coaching to provide the best service


[24:00] From burnout to joy: Why principals can be happy in their job

Key Quotes

 Successful leaders have a knack for building relationships.”

“In education, we’re in the people business.”

“We need to provide coaching for principals so that they stay in the profession, they support students and teachers… and they actually might enjoy the job.”


Key Resources

The Principal Coaching Model: How to Plan, Design, and Implement a Successful Program

Coaching School Leadership

Don’t forget to catch more episodes and resources at the Better Leaders Better Schools website.

Tip of the Week

Dr. Kelly Crane, expert coach at BLBS shares a tip about an app called Wakelt.  Save your favorite content from across the web. Articles, videos, blogs, tweets, songs and more – bookmark anything you find online in two clicks.  Arrange your bookmarks into stunning collections. Add images, text and organize however you like to build stories from your content. Collaborate with others on group collections to share ideas, inspiration and knowledge. Share your collections with a single link.  It is a free app-go to your app store or https://wakelet.com/.



  • Organized Binder is an evidence-based RTI2 Tier 1 universal level solution
  • Focuses on improving executive functioning and noncognitive skills
  • Is in direct alignment with the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework
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Teach FX

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  • A fitbit for teachers that measures student engagement
  • Research shows that the more students speak in class, the more they learn, and the better they perform on standardized tests.
  • Use your phone or laptop to analyze your class, and the app’s artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm tracks your talk ratio automatically, with no extra work from you or an instructional coach.
  • The idea is to give teachers a useful barometer of student engagement you can check every day!

You can learn more and improve your student’s success at https://teachfx.com/

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