Andy Lindsey: Create Your Mobile Office

Welcome to the Better Leaders Better Schools podcast.  This is a weekly show for ruckus makers — What is a ruckus maker?  A leader who has found freedom from the status quo. A leader looking to escape the old routine. A leader who never, ever gives up. As a...
Five Ideas Ben Franklin Taught Us on Leadership

Five Ideas Ben Franklin Taught Us on Leadership

Ben Franklin wrote Poor Richard’s Almanack under the pseudonym “Richard Saunders” and from 1733 to 1758 he dispensed useful and timeless wisdom to its readers. Here are five quotes from Poor Richard’s … that are as true today as they were over one hundred years ago....
12 Quotes Every School Leader Should Consider

12 Quotes Every School Leader Should Consider

Below are twelve powerful quotes that will level up your leadership. They are organized into ten topics: vision, goals, and everything in between. This broad range of topics every school leader should consider. For each quote I wrote a few thoughts of why these quotes...