How much more effective would you be as a school principal if you:

  • met weekly with a group of leaders hungry to get better
  • met in a safe-space where you could truly ask for help when you needed it
  • met with leaders from around the USA and the world

This is what we do each week in the mastermind and one of the best parts of the mastermind is a hot seat. If you are new to the mastermind — it a professional learning network designed for school principals and is revolutionizing leadership professional development.

During the hot seat, a school principal or other educational leader would ask a question to the community. This question focuses on their #1 challenge, a problem of practice, or a current project they want to get off the ground.

The leader take a few minutes to describe the context of the question and then receives ideas from the mastermind which comes in a number of forms.

Members will share:

  • stories of what has worked (and what hasn’t)
  • questions that will push the leader on the hot seat to think levels deeper about her challenge
  • reframing questions that will offer different ways of thinking about the problem

In 15-20 minutes, leaders walk away with a more robust way of solving their challenge and are always encouraged to take on whatever they face.

You can learn more about the mastermind here and if it makes sense, apply to our community. The application takes about 9 minutes to complete.

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