Each quarter I take a deeper dive into my goals. In this post, I will reflect on my Q3 (July – September) 2021 results.

Steal my process for goal reflection and use it to boost your leadership.

This post (OKRs are a leader’s secret productivity weapon) will get you started.

If you’d like some one-on-one coaching establishing your OKRs, create a plan to achieve them, and accountability to track results, send me an email ([email protected])

Q3 2021 OKR Results & Takeaways


“The simplest, cleanest way to score an objective is by averaging the percentage of completion rates of its associated results.”

John Doerr in Measure What Matters

Google uses the following scale, so I stole like an artist and used it too:

  • ? 0.7 – 1.0 = green (I delivered).
  • ? 0.4 – 0.6 = yellow (I made progress, but fell short of completion).
  • ? 0.0 – 0.3 = red (I failed to make real progress).
? OBJECTIVE 1:  Work on business [70%] (.3+1.0+0.6+0.6+1.0 = 3.5/5)
? Build an internal coaching dashboard by Sept 30 [0.3].
? Take action on scaling up templates by Aug 31 [1.0].
? Take action on breakthrough DNA by Sept 30 [0.6].
? Solidify Onboarding by Aug 31 [0.6]
? Start tracking KPIs from the 7 strata [1.0]
? OBJECTIVE 2:  Create a best seller [90%]
? Implement perennial seller plan [0.9].
? OBJECTIVE 3: Increase physical, mental, spiritual, & relational health [43%]
? Take “Power of Awareness” course [1.0].
? Do something active every day [0.5].
? Tea with Miriam every weekday [0.2].
? Meditate 2x a day [0.0].
? OBJECTIVE 4:  Learn Shona [60%]
? Finish first Shona book [0.2].
? Start lessons with tutor [1.0]


Numbers don’t tell the whole story. In this section you can give those numbers a soul via reflection.

Work on the business70%0.8The dashboard needs to be a priority at the end of 2021. I enrolled in a course called “The Replaceable Founder” to help build systems, processes, and a dashboard. I’ve been very busy with the book launch and prepping for a huge keynote, as well as a live event. That took time away from these other tasks.
Create best seller90%0.9I feel great about the effort I’ve put in. The only thing within my control is to reach out to other podcasts on the fringes of education (e.g. parenting podcasts) to spread the word. I really did a great job on this.
Increase health in all domains of life43%0.6I started riding my Peloton again after an injury. I’m not where I’d like to be. Miriam and I put off the tea time (she turned in a massive RO1 grant at SU) so honestly we just didn’t prioritize this. We’ve committed to this for the next three months. I’ve gotten lazy since moving back to the USA. The lack of bike lanes (and car drivers that respect bikers) and the distance between places we need to get to has made me rely on the car way too much.
Work on business78%0.8I put in place the right systems by investing in the right books, courses, and coaches. I have already seen the fruit.

The answer is more often WHO and not HOW!
Learn Shona60%0.9I didn’t touch my book, but I’ve been faithful with my tutoring lessons and I have been picking up so much more Shona. Ndiri kufara … “I am happy” with this progress.

Did I accomplish all of my objectives? If so, what contributed to my success?

I rocked my “perennial seller” plan. I am laser focused on creating a best seller so I can serve as many school leaders as possible.

If not, what obstacles did I encounter?

My biggest obstacle is me. I will prioritize my health in Q4 2021 because Q3 was crazy.

I also need help. So I need to ask for it more within my internal team and I added someone to our team to help with systems. That will help us make great progress on the business side of things (e.g. dashboard, onboarding, and so on …).

I also bought a PS5 so I’ve been distracted “unplugging” from work. But I do LOVE connecting with my nephew and best friend because of it!

If I were to rewrite a goal achieved in full, what would I change?

The second objective needed to happen. There was urgency and it was still ambitious. I probably focused less The book goal doesn’t need to be rewritten. That was not an aspirational goal. It needed to happen. So I made it happen at the expense of other goals.

What have I learned that might alter my approach to the next cycle’s OKRs?

Having fewer OKRs is really working for me. 

Now it is about communicating more clearly, delegating effectively, and building the internal systems as the team grows. 

I can do this!

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