1-day I’m writing a “now” page because it makes sense. I like to do things differently. When most people zig, I want to zag.

The now page is incredibly useful. It’s not being different, just for different’s sake.

It is interesting to know what people are up to. When I meet new people one of my favorite questions is “What fun projects are you working on now?”

If you asked me that question. This is how I would answer.

BLBS Leadership Programs

We are revamping our leadership programs at BLBS.

Our flagship offer has been and will remain, The Ruckus Maker Mastermind

Instead of PD that’s Too-Little-Too-Late, Unhelpful, and Disconnected, we offer …

Relevant, Responsive, and Results-Oriented Professional Development™.

And that experience just got a whole lot better …

Every member of The Ruckus Maker Mastermind™ also will get access to the redesigned Principal Success Path™.

The Principal Success Path™ will take leaders through a three-stage process with the end result being the school version of “Shangri-La” … something I call The Automatic School™. I’ve started talking about this concept on social media, this blog, and my podcasts. A book will be available probably in the next year on this topic.

Not only do our leaders get The Principal Success Path™ they also get two “Deep Work Days.” These are 1-day in person events in fun locations.The goal is to breakthrough the noise and “busyness” of school in order to think strategically, connect with other high-level leaders, and participate in some live mastermind sessions. It’s also included in mastermind membership so our people just need to figure out how they’ll get there and where they will sleep.

Creative Projects

My third book is now available here.

The promise is in the title: Build Leadership Momentum: How to Create the Perfect Principal Entry Plan.

I have the next three books mapped out. They will help Ruckus Makers create a vision for their school, maximize space in their calendar (and have a life!), and create their own version of The Automatic School™.


Personally I’m focused on deepening my meditation practice. I was accepted to a 2-year mindfulness and meditation program taught by Jack Kornfield & Tara Brach. I’m looking forward to offering mindfulness experiences to school leaders I support.

I also recently ran my fastest 10K and now am focusing on some strength training.


Updated May 13, 2023 from my home office in Syracuse, New York.