At the center of what we do as leaders is this: we make change happen.

I love the word ruckus.

Mastermind members are the epitome of a ruckus maker:

  • We break free from the status-quo
  • We make change happen
  • We never, ever give up.

We improve every context in which we lead because we always leave it better than we found it. 

In dysfunctional and failing schools, it’s easy to see what needs to be fixed. And we fix it.

But even in healthy, high-performing organizations, there is an opportunity to grow as well.

In fact, leading in this kind of environment might even be more challenging because the status quo is safe. It’s comfortable. The need to change is less apparent and not talked about.

A ruckus maker helps others see

With a new perspective we see:

  • Potential
  • Possibility
  • Opportunity
  • Abundance

Ruckus makers know that they are playing an infinite game. There is no clear start and finish line. No clear winners and losers. We all can actually win, playing the same game.

This is different than a 7th place trophy. We don’t give those out.

What this means is that we expect excellence and that you don’t have to lose for me to win.

This kind of perspective fuels our tank as we embark on the journey causing a ruckus and making change in education.

There are a handful of slots open in the mastermind. If you’d like to connect with other innovative school leaders from around the world, apply today. Sofia in South America joined recently so we now serve leaders on every continent except Antarctica ?

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