Mitch became a gifted teacher because he was a mediocre student. Despite taking seven years to graduate college, he navigated the classroom with discomfort. This unique perspective fueled Mitch’s teaching approach. Recognizing the importance of laying a...
David Moffa is the Principal at Holy Cross Preparatory Academy, a private school in Delran, NJ serving students in grades 9-12. David has taught at the high school level in both public and private schools, and his mission as a school leader is to build communities...
With over two decades of experience as an educator in various school settings, I have cultivated a profound philosophy of education known as Two Rules. This philosophy serves as a foundation for fostering building-wide support for the social-emotional learning and...
Husband and father who teaches high school in Cedar Springs, MI. His blog,, is read by over 50,000 educators each month, and his bestselling These 6 Things: How to Focus Your Teaching on What Matters Most has been cherished by teachers and leaders...
Stephanie Pierotti is the Director of Arizona State University’s ShapingEDU Community. She leads this transdisciplinary network of over 4,000 “K to gray” education changemakers. Stephanie recently created a partnership with Learning Planet Alliance...
Daniel Pascoe Aguilar, PhD, MDiv, is passionate about problem solving and collaborating with students, alums, the university community, and community organizations on meaningful partnerships and innovative strategies for the development of a diverse, purpose-driven,...