April Gaydosh: You Really Over Deliver For Us

April Gaydosh is an Administrator of Schools for Jordan School District in West Jordan, Utah. She has previously held positions as a building level principal, assistant principal, high school teacher, and an adjunct college faculty member in both North Carolina and...

Nathaniel Provencio: Earn 5 Star Connections at Schools

Nathaniel Provencio is a career educator who has worked in public education for over 20+ years. Nathaniel has served as a teacher, school principal, and associate superintendent. Nathaniel is an award-winning leader, author, and speaker on regional, state, and...

Jacqueline Baker: Discovering The Leader Within You

Jacqueline M. Baker is a speaker, author, leadership consultant and advisor known for her unique approach to modern etiquette and leadership. As the author of The Unexpected Leader: Discovering the Leader Within You and Leader by Mistake: Becoming A Leader One Mistake...

Bonnie Low-Kramen: Learn to Manage People

Bonnie Low-Kramen is a highly sought-after TEDx speaker, teacher, and founder and CEO of “Be the Ultimate Assistant,” a curated training solution for corporate leaders and assistants creating synchronous and thriving work environments. She is also the author of the...