April Gaydosh is an Administrator of Schools for Jordan School District in West Jordan, Utah. She has previously held positions as a building level principal, assistant principal, high school teacher, and an adjunct college faculty member in both North Carolina and...
Nathaniel Provencio is a career educator who has worked in public education for over 20+ years. Nathaniel has served as a teacher, school principal, and associate superintendent. Nathaniel is an award-winning leader, author, and speaker on regional, state, and...
Jacqueline M. Baker is a speaker, author, leadership consultant and advisor known for her unique approach to modern etiquette and leadership. As the author of The Unexpected Leader: Discovering the Leader Within You and Leader by Mistake: Becoming A Leader One Mistake...
Dr. Lisa Stanley is the Superintendent of North Texas Collegiate Academy, a public charter school district in Denton County, Texas. Dr. Stanley received her Certificate in School Management and Leadership from Harvard Graduate School of Education, was among the first...
Dr. Amy Platt is delighted to be the Head of School at the Paul Penna Downtown Jewish Day School. Amy is passionate about excellent instruction and working with teachers to be the talented professionals they are destined to be. Amy holds a PhD and an MA from the...
Bonnie Low-Kramen is a highly sought-after TEDx speaker, teacher, and founder and CEO of “Be the Ultimate Assistant,” a curated training solution for corporate leaders and assistants creating synchronous and thriving work environments. She is also the author of the...