There are two types of educators out there today, ones that complain about education, and ones that do something about it.

Tiffany Hansen, principal of Mountain Range High School in Colorado, is also a proud aunt, mom of three, and took the leap into admin because she understood that the role requires someone to actively care for the entire staff so they could bring their best for the students everyday.

As a teacher, she noted what she would and wouldn’t do as a keen observer and listener. In her own words,

“I wanted to make it better for teachers, so they could do better for the kids!”

However, like most leaders, Tiffany put the needs of others first, everyday.

She was teaching her staff to take care of themselves or was caring for them, without modeling that she was also doing the same for herself.

Tiffany decided to again take the challenge head on, and after hearing about BLBS from a colleague, she joined The Principal Success Path™ so she could level up!

Learning from others was one of her favorite experiences in The Principal Success Path™:

“Hearing from other high school principals in other states, validating they still have the same problems we have, with different ways to solve them including how it worked for them, that is huge!”

Tiffany did share a regret from the experience by saying, “I wish I knew about it sooner when I was a new administrator so that I would’ve been able to be a part of that… I feel like I’ve spent so much time solving problems that somebody already had a solution to.”

As leaders, we wear lots of hats during the day. In fact, a popular means of training new AP’s is trial by fire, and it does work!

However Tiffany’s advice for any leader training or mentoring a new AP or Principal is brilliant when she says,

“When I was an assistant principal, I wore a lot of hats. I think the principal before me did that because she wanted me to be ready for this position. How much of myself did I sacrifice personally to satisfy wearing all those hats? I don’t ever wanna put anybody in that position.”

Tiffany went on and completed a 90 day plan during her Principal Success Path™ experience, vetted by teams of leaders from all over the world, and learned the wonderful skill of delegation based on how awesome everything worked out.

She became confident in her planning and abilities as a leader, and through delegating responsibilities, she was also trusting and building relationships with her colleagues that would resound over time.

Joining The Principal Success Path™ is a commitment to your growth and potential outcomes. Our favorite line is,

“The more you put into this, the more you will gain from it!”

Leaders always slam their schedules in the same way Tiffany describes right before she began:

“It was the second semester in high school here in Colorado, meaning state testing, graduation, AP testing, and I was like, how am I gonna make all that happen and still, do my job and do this and be a mom?”

However, this is every year, for every leader, and Tiffany was constantly pushing her staff to develop and grow, and it was time for her to try the same.

Tiffany recalls this from her experience:

“Your group discussions were amazing! The activities were great and I loved creating your 90 day plan, then going back and revisiting the plan for issues based on the reflection pieces. I loved the resources that were shared with us. I wanted to keep everything in a folder, just so that I could refer back to it because there’s just so many good ideas. I wanted more of it!”

Both Tiffany and her Assistant Principal joined The Principal Success Path™ and learned valuable skills that allowed them to level up and learn that through professional growth, we can make time for ourselves.

Tiffany has found that looking through a 90 day lens affords a leader the ability to prepare and plan ahead, and when this is bounced off of educators from all over the world, the ideas and potential are endless!

Just listen to how Tiffany shares one of her biggest wins:

“We did the list of 99 ways/ideas to create world class culture at your site, that was huge! We made this awesome list and we just all shared it out as a group and the impact was amazing. You can’t just always look for new ideas like that.”

Like Tiffany, YOU TOO can improve your ability to care for yourself AS WELL AS those at work, by joining the Principal Success Path today!

Ready to Join?

We are now accepting applications to the 4th cohort beginning Jan 22, 2023.

Apply to The Principal Success Path™ here:


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