
Welcome to the Better Leaders Better Schools podcast.  This is a weekly show for ruckus makers — What is a ruckus maker?  A leader who has found freedom from the status quo. A leader looking to escape the old routine. A leader who never, ever gives up.

It’s December, half of the 2019 school year has come and gone and I bet I could predict one thing you’re feeling right now, tired! You’ve been putting in a lot of work and I hope, ruckus maker, that you’ve seen the fruit of your labor. Jethro Jones joins the show from the Transformative Principal. We are going to talk about avoiding burnout and personalized communication.

We hope you enjoy the podcast. All the highlights, resources, and next steps can be found below. Listen to the full episode here and learn more at betterleadersbetterschools.com

Key Talking Points

  • Meet Jethro Jones
  • Burnout
  • Never give up
  • Power of Motivation
  • Five steps improvement plan
  • Approach to understand people
  • Mastermind
  • Advice to make a difference

Key Milestones of the Episodes

[03:55] Getting to know Jethro

[05:09] The story involving burnout

[08:23] Importance of not giving up

[10:40] How to motivate others

[17:08] How to impact on others

[18:20] Five steps to single Focus School Improvement plan

[26:55] What is Mastermind

[29:01] One thing for ruckus makers to remember


Key Quotes

  1. “Burnout can happen at any time.”
  2. “When a leader gets better. Everybody wins.”
  3. “I think that’s a really great way to approach this because you have to know them and you have to know what makes them tick and what I found is the things that make people really happy or really sad are the things that are most important to them because most teachers are just going to come and say this is what I need to make me happy and successful.”
  4. “If you’re not at the level right now, then don’t feel like you’re not doing the best that you can.”
  5. “If you get the right people in the room-magic is created as a result.”
  6. “Remember the power that you have to affect people’s lives for good.”


About Our Guest

Jethro Jones, 2017 NASSP Digital Principal of the Year, is a principal in Fairbanks, Alaska, and host of Transformative Principal, where he interviews principals, leaders, and influencers who help improve K-12 education throughout the world. Jethro is a leading consultant for principals through masterminds and helps schools create school improvement plans that actually work.


Emotional Intelligence 2.0



Tip of the Week

Get the right people on the bus:  We have all heard a million times, but it is worth saying again, “Get the right people on the bus”. It is a Hidden Jim Collins’ gem in his book “Good to Great”. He discusses how important it is to have the right people in your organization. So you really need to think about it, figure out who you need in what positions and then you need to act on it. It’s one thing to just think about it, but you do need to act on it. So make sure that you are getting the right people on your bus.



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You can learn more and improve your student’s success at https://organizedbinder.com/

Copyright © 2018 Better Leaders Better Schools

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