
The mastermind is about connection. Since 2016, I’ve been fascinated at how deep bonds can grow even in a virtual setting. I’ve had the privilege of meeting maybe 25% of the members face-to-face. The rest I know through Zoom, text messages, and phone calls.

And yet we have formed deep relationships.

During the hot seat the other day, two school leaders asked:

“How do we stay connected to our students and staff during this pandemic and in an online setting?”

What happened next is that we created 212 ideas of how to stay connected …

212 Ideas to Stay Connected …

If you use the activity explained in the video I’d love to hear about it. I also enjoy having Ruckus Makers that take action on ideas I share on the podcast ?

And if you are looking to level up your leadership skills, now is a great time to join the mastermind.

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