Welcome to the Better Leaders Better Schools podcast.  This is a weekly show for ruckus makers — What is a ruckus maker?  A leader who has found freedom from the status quo. A leader looking to escape the old routine. A leader who never, ever gives up.

In this episode, Danny is going to do two things.   One, he’s going to share a handful of quotes that have really pushed his thinking in the past few months. This is a gift to you as it will push your thinking as well.  Two, Danny shares where BLBS is going over the next quarter and then talks briefly about goals and systems. 

We hope you enjoy the podcast. All the highlights, resources, and next steps can be found below. Listen to the full episode here and learn more at betterleadersbetterschools.com

Key Talking Points 

  • Do you have clearly established goals and a system to get you there, how would you rate yourself?
  • Danny unpacks his goals and you’ll learn some goal setting advice and the system that turns vision into reality.
  • Powerful quotes that will help you level up your leadership.
  • The concept that originated in 16th century Japan. It’s called ichi-go, ichi-ee.
  • OKRS and what they are.


Powerful Leadership Quotes and my Goals for the Remainder of 2019

Key Quotes

1.)  “Am I going to find my place in the world or make my place in the world?”

This quote comes from a great book called Niche Down by Christopher Lochhead. Christopher was a guest on BLBS Episode 168: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/be-legendary-by-being-different/id1036167679?i=1000422486207

2.)  The next quote comes from a book called Reboot by Jerry Colonna. Jerry has his own podcast. He is a former financial guy and now coaches tech startup executives. 

Jerry says, “The toughest part of being a leader — is meeting the world as it is and not as we wish it to be.”

3.)  One of Danny’s favorite books is The Art of Possibility. He often talks about Rule #6 (which is a mastermind core value) and the practice of giving everyone an A.

“Here’s the quote: “It’s all invented anyway, so we might as well invent a story or framework of meaning that enhances our quality of life and the life of those around us.”

Key Resources 

Niche Down by Christopher Lochhead

Reboot by Jerry Colonna

The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander  

This is Marketing by Seth Godin

Measure what matters by John Doerr 

Read the Better Leaders Better Schools Roadmap by Daniel Bauer

Don’t forget to catch more episodes and resources at the Better Leaders Better Schools website.

How You Can Help

Link Mastermind: https://betterleadersbetterschools.com/mastermind

Link to Go! Community: https://betterleadersbetterschools.com/go

Tip of the Week

Reflection: Take time to reflect on the previous school year and include the pros and cons in your current thought process as you are starting your new year.  Reflection is vital to every leaders growth. There are many ways to reflect. Try writing it down in a journal, audio tape your reflection each week, consider blogging and vlogging.  You will be glad you did.



  • Organized Binder is an evidence-based RTI2 Tier 1 universal level solution
  • Focuses on improving executive functioning and noncognitive skills
  • Is in direct alignment with the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework
  • Is an integral component for ensuring Least Restrictive Environments (LRE)

You can learn more and improve your student’s success at https://organizedbinder.com/

Teach FX

  • Empowers teachers with feedback on student engagement
  • A fitbit for teachers that measures student engagement
  • Research shows that the more students speak in class, the more they learn, and the better they perform on standardized tests.
  • Use your phone or laptop to analyze your class, and the app’s artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm tracks your talk ratio automatically, with no extra work from you or an instructional coach.
  • The idea is to give teachers a useful barometer of student engagement you can check every day!

You can learn more and improve your student’s success at https://teachfx.com/

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