
You can figure out how to make it age-appropriate, but these conversations could be important to have with educators you serve or any of your students, no matter their age. 

If you choose to dive into one of these conversations, go all in, and let me know how it goes ([email protected]).

Good luck! 

  1. What are you scared of?
  2. Where do you need support?
  3. Who can you help today? What will you commit to?
  4. What are you thankful for?
  5. What do you want to make?
  6. If you had 60-minutes to work on a project, what would you do (knowing that you would share your work with us)?
  7. Share your favorite quote/poem/song with us and tell us why.
  8. Tell us a moment this week when you were brave.
  9. How do you plan to play and have fun today (even if you are in quarantine)?
  10. What matters now, that didn’t matter two weeks ago?
  11. BONUS: What have you learned about yourself this week? 

The last one is a bonus tip. “11 Ideas for conversations” doesn’t sound like a good title and I have a practice of jotting down 10 ideas as often as I can for two reasons: 1) It makes my creativity muscle stronger and 2) Write enough crappy ideas and you are bound to come up with an amazing one ?

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