
Stanley S. Litow is Professor of the Practice at Duke University where he also served as Innovator in Residence and also teaches at Columbia University. He previously served as deputy chancellor of schools for New York City and as president of the IBM Foundation and vice president of Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Affairs at IBM. At IBM, he helped create Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH), the innovative grade 9 to 14 school connecting school to college to career. He is also co-author of Breaking Barriers: How P-TECH Schools Create a Pathway From High School to College to Career from Teachers College Press. Stan also serves as a Trustee of the State University of New York (SUNY) where he chairs the Academic Affairs Committee. 

Show Highlights

  • Why don’t education reforms go to scale?
  • P-Tech creates a pathway from high school to college to career. 
  • Get past the politics in education.
  • Education is the bottom line for profitability for all Americans.
  • A formula that sets up conditions where ALL kids can soar. 
  • An educational resource that can end the economic and cultural divide.
  • Students determine when they are college ready.
  • Billion dollar college saving and workplace ready plan. 
  • Take down the silo between school to college for relevant learning.
Stan Litow: School Reform at Scale

“All of the assumptions about who can achieve go out the window if you provide students with the right opportunity.”

– Stan Litow

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