Jeanne is a former middle school teacher, department chair, and school leader and the founder of the New Teacher Masterminds – a transformational virtual PLC network that connects and empowers new teachers across the country. Her mission is to provide new teachers the support they need to thrive during their first years of teaching.
How to Best Prepare new Teachers
Show Highlights
- New teachers thrive with these 5 steps
- Create future Ruckus Makers with the Teacher Mastermind
- New teachers are failing and need a seat at this table
- How a Ruckus Maker trains new teachers to avoid pitfalls
- Individualized teacher workshops
- Personalized PD without adding to teacher workload
- Motivate, support, and amplify your teacher’s strengths

“Masterminds, not only is it an opportunity for them to receive help, but it’s also an opportunity for them to own their own expertise and realize that they really do have some awesome ideas and they really do know what they’re doing.”
– Jeanne Wolz
Jeanne’s Resources & Contact Info:
- Download 10 Common Pitfalls of New Teacher Programs – and How to Overcome Them
- Teacher Off Duty
- [email protected]
Looking for more?
Full Transcript Available Here
Daniel (00:00):
Welcome to the Better Leaders, Better Schools podcast. This is your friendly neighborhood podcast, host Daniel Bauer
Daniel (00:09):
Better Leaders, Better Schools. It’s a weekly show for Ruckus Makers. So what exactly? He’s a Ruckus Maker. A leader has found freedom from the status quo, a leader who makes change happen, a leader who never, ever gives up. That leader, my friend is you, how effective would you be if you thought that you were a failure, we all have upper limit challenges that hinder our ability to create the most value in our lives and leadership our guest today, Jeanne Wolz, teacher off duty, found through her research that this was a common mindset, challenge, and inner script that most novice teachers faced. New teacher after new teacher, she found was saying to themselves, I am a failure. If you think you’re a failure, there’s no way you can be your best in the classroom. Part of our job as a Ruckus Makers, to create an environment where our teachers thrive, therefore our students that’s right, Jeanne has stepped up and made it her mission to connect and empower new teachers around the world. We’ll tell her story next. We’ll also dig into the common pitfalls most of our new teacher trainings face and how to overcome them. Finally, I want to mention that Jeanne serves new teachers through masterminds, and you could learn more about her work at And if you mentioned that better leaders, better schools sent you. You can get $50 off mastermind membership for your teachers. So Ruckus Maker, thanks for being here. And before we jump into the episode, I’d like to take some time to thank our show’s sponsors.
Daniel (01:55):
The better leaders better schools podcast is brought to you by organized binder, a program designed to develop your students executive function and noncognitive skills. Learn more that organized today’s podcast is brought to you by Teach FX. It’s basically like a Fitbit for teachers helping them be mindful of teacher talk versus student talk, get a special 20% discount for your school or district by visiting Teach
Daniel (02:29):
In the mastermind. We believe that questions are better than answers and that there’s power in connecting with other elite performers. Kevin, a principal in Tunisia had this to say about his mastermind experience. “I Feel more connected to the everyday changes in education. In addition to being more informed, I feel empowered to bring new educational ideas and strategies to my team at my school.” We’d love to serve you in the mastermind and we welcome your application and role today at better leaders, better Jeanne is a former middle school teacher, department chair and school leader, and the founder of the New Teacher Masterminds, a transformational virtual PLC network that connects and empowers new teachers across the country. Her mission is to provide new teachers the support they need to thrive during their first years of teaching. Jeanne, welcome to the show.
Jeanne (03:31):
Thank you so much for having me. I’m so excited to be here.
Daniel (03:33):
You bet. So you have a longer story. I don’t know. We might get to it later, but you resigned from teaching. You start a business, you move abroad, those are all, all big steps, but at your heart, you want to help new teachers and I know that through your research and just helping people you saw on so many online forums that new teachers thought they were a failure. So let’s start there. Why did they feel that way?
Jeanne (04:01):
Yeah. So I think it’s an important part of the story we’re gonna talk about today. It’s important to rewind a little bit to the beginning of the year for new teachers. So often, I would say usually new teachers at the beginning of the year are so excited. They’re so excited. They’re really nervous, but they’re so excited to begin this career that a lot of times they dreamed about their entire lives. What happens is they start the school year, September, they start hitting some problems and snags, and they’re looking for some help. If you watch like different Facebook forums new teachers are asking questions about how they can solve different things. They’re still hopeful. October that slump starts to hit, that we all are very familiar with and then by November, what I started seeing very often every year was teachers posting that they felt like they were a failure, sometimes questioning if they were going to make it through the year, let alone, if they wanted to continue this career.
Daniel (04:56):
So I was thinking about all of this and noticing this pattern. I decided to just reach out to my email list. I have a blog teacheroffduty.Com and I have email subscribers, mostly new teachers. I decided to reach out to them and just kind of give them a pick me up so I made the subject line, You are not a failure. I basically just wrote an email, encouraging them, talking about how the system is really hard and what they’re doing is a really challenging job. So if they’re experiencing problems and it’s hard for them, it speaks nothing to them as a teacher. Instead of the system that they are in and they’re doing an awesome job, blah, blah, blah. So I’ve sent that out. And normally when I send out emails, I might get like one response, maybe like two on like a really good email.
Daniel (05:43):
But this response, Danny, I received over 70 responses. It was insane. All of the responses were, they were so heartfelt. They were talking about how they had cried that day, like 3 times and how they were considering quitting. Somebody said, even just knowing that there’s someone else out there feeling like I do has taken a huge weight off my shoulders. Another person said, I feel like I’m just faking and they don’t really know that I’m not doing that great. It was just response after response after response like this and I knew that new teachers across the board, weren’t getting things that they needed in order to be successful. I sat down and I started thinking about that and what these teachers across the board we’re talking about, that they needed. I made a list of what they said they needed and weren’t getting, or maybe they were getting, and it was helping them.
Daniel (06:37):
I boiled it down to about five things and those things were one, and first and foremost, a safe space, new teachers, we’re talking about how they had no safe space to talk about all these hugely overwhelming emotions that they were experiencing. They had no safe space to get the help they really wanted and needed to be successful. Two, they needed community and comradery. It was not funny, but just sad that I had so many responses from teachers saying they felt like they were alone and yet everybody was saying the same thing. They need that community and camaraderie with other new teachers, knowing that they’re not alone. Three, concrete feedback and guidance. So many teachers talked about how they didn’t know if they were doing a good job or not. They had no idea. They just knew it was not going the way they wanted it to go and they didn’t want anybody to discover that they felt like they were a failure.
Jeanne (07:33):
For multiple support people many teachers cited that they had a mentor and the classic mentor program, but that mentor was MIA, or they didn’t get along with them or that mentor secretly talked to their principal behind their back or what have you. They needed multiple support people with different specialties and also different political power to talk to, and then five opportunities to be empowered. This last one they weren’t actually talking about, I will say, but I could tell by reading all these responses, that what new teachers really, really needed was an opportunity to own their own expertise. They weren’t getting those opportunities in their school. They weren’t aware that they were experts in a variety of different things so they needed opportunities to be empowered.
Jeanne (08:18):
That was a lot that I went through and I came up with this list and I started thinking about what we could create? What new thing could we create for new teachers that it doesn’t exist, to my knowledge already, that could start filling these gaps. I remember I made this, I didn’t know exactly what it was going to look like, but I made this vision board and I was really drawn to this image of a dining room table. It was just like a wooden really cozy table. This dining room is kinda small, but like a really big table with really comfy chairs and I wrote
Jeanne (08:56):
What I envisioned for that. I wrote about how I wanted it to be a cozy space, a grounded space for teachers to come together and talk about what’s really on their mind to just let go talk about what’s on their mind and get the help that they needed. I also wrote that I didn’t want it to be a cynical space, a place that was intimidating, but a space for teachers to come talk about what they were dealing with, get the help that they needed, and then march back into their classrooms and solve those problems for themselves. Anyway, I created a vision board. I wrote about it, didn’t know exactly what it was going to look like but a few months later it started to take shape and it started to take shape into these virtual mastermind groups. They kind of turn into this virtual dining room table for new teachers where they could connect across buildings sometimes across state lines with people outside of their immediate circles so that it was inherently a safe space where they could talk about what’s really going on in their classrooms so they could get the help that they needed in the moment. And that’s what we’ve been doing ever since.
Daniel (10:02):
I love it. There’s three connections that I want to make and then we’ll definitely keep digging into it. I’ve been running a mastermind for a little bit and a newer member, just joined one of the things she said she so appreciated and she’s only been working with us for four weeks. Is that she doesn’t feel judged in our space. Right? It’s the first place where she feels like she could be authentically a hundred percent herself, and then she also added the political and gender bias that she’s experiencing too, where,she’s a part of a four person admin team. The rest are all white conservative male. There’s nothing wrong with that, but that they have a very similar worldview, which is not always congruent with hers and it’s difficult for her to figure out how to express herself or to feel that her perspective is valued and so I get you with the dining room table, which I want to come back to.
Daniel (11:01):
The other thing I want to highlight to the Ruckus Maker listening is that Jeanne just shared those five things, right. She was seeing the safe space, community, concrete feedback, multiple support opportunities for empowerment and by doing your research by really being dialed in and listening to what people are saying that tells you as a leader, what to offer. Right? Sometimes we see it as complaints or people pushing back, we question if they have the right seat on the bus, maybe we should just take that feedback that we’re getting and use that as professional development or checking opportunities and give people exactly what they’re asking for. I want to come back to the dining table because to me, it sounds like a cozy place. Like I wish I could share a meal with you there. It definitely feels very warm, connected, safe, like you said, and that space you want to create. I want to come back to it and your use of a vision board, I’m curious, like, was this the first time you ever did a vision board? You didn’t know I was going to ask this, but you know, I get interested in stuff. And so I ask those followup questions, but have you used them before? Or is this the first time? Tell us about that.
Jeanne (12:18):
Yeah. Okay. I’ll dial back a little bit. It was the first time I used the vision board, but what was funny about it is that I had actually, okay, so it’s kind of the second time and I’ll explain why. This dining room table image I had created the first time I created a vision board was the year before and I don’t know why I kept being drawn to these images of tables and people eating food and wine and coffee and all these things. When I was thinking about what these new teachers needed, I was drawn and went and looked at that vision board again, and I was like, bingo, that’s what it is that these new teachers need. We need these spaces where people can actually just let go and talk about what’s really on their minds. So I guess yes and no, it was my first time.
Daniel (13:05):
It’s important for me to ask that question because I want the Ruckus Maker listening to consider what vision looks like in your life. And so maybe that’s written down the vision using a vision board. Maybe it’s, I’m sitting with visualization, right. And for five minutes before a meeting, thinking about what you want to accomplish, how you want to show up in terms of your emotions and your words and your presence. All of that, like when I studied successful people, they do that. Right. When I come across somebody who’s using it and then it comes to life, right. Which is pretty wild. I don’t know if I have this bookmark here or not. No, it’s in a different book, but I remember when I was building what I’m building I had a revenue goal.
Daniel (13:51):
So maybe it’s a student achievement goal and attendance goal, or how are you going to grow up and level up your leadership and for you to create the dining room table. But I also had just a sort of a very, yeah, black and white revenue goal that I wanted to hit and I wrote it down and I said, I want to be able to accomplish this. And Jeanne, like within less than 30 days it happened. So then I had to shift it, right. I want to do that on a monthly continual basis and that’s been happening. So now I have to push myself to try to expand on what I offer, but vision is so, I cannot express how important that is. Now enough about me riffing on vision this is about you. When we talked earlier, before creating this podcast, you said something that was profound that was that the new teachers were failing. It was that our systems were failing them.
Daniel (14:46):
Maybe we can pivot a little bit and talk about some of the pitfalls that you see in new teacher training.
Jeanne (14:52):
I know different states have different requirements for new teacher programs so that plays part. I think the idea behind many new teacher programs is genuine and important and good, but the execution, I’m going to be a little bit of a Ruckus Maker here at Danny and say, I think sometimes can be, can be a little bit of a waste of time and resources to be honest. Here’s a few pitfalls that I see. Number one is I think one of the most important times, I mean, I guess all year is really important to support teachers, but one of the most wasted times to support teachers is before the school year starts. New teachers are probably the only teachers that are just dying to get to work.
Jeanne (15:39):
Like they want to work. They want to prepare, they have all this anxious, excited energy and so often they don’t get any curriculum or any contacts with their collaboration partners or anything before the start of the year, what they do get is what a lot of districts call a summer bootcamp. That bootcamp very often are things like orientation type things like union things, or like things about school, culture, or how to take time off and that is totally 100%. I mean, yes, new teachers need to know those things, but that’s not what they need in order to do a good job. Some really quick ways to help that over the summer and avoid that pitfall is instead of in those new teacher boot camps or whatever kind of support you have over the summer is provide concrete workshops for curriculum planning, creating routines procedures.
Jeanne (16:31):
If you can bring in their planning, counterparts, their collaboration partners and have them start working together right away, Ingersoll sites, that is something that’s really important for new teacher success is having collaboration time with veteran teachers. Then also ask new teachers what they need. So it kind of goes back to what we were just talking about, Danny, where this feedback from teachers just if complaining or whatever, may not be to take it and listen to it and just go ahead and ask new teachers before the start of the year, what kind of help do you need? And that’s going to give you a pretty good map. Number two is I think this is one of the most common problems with new teacher programs is that they are not whatever kind of support that you’re providing. Many times are not concrete enough for new teachers.
Daniel (17:16):
New teachers need a very different kind of help than the veteran teacher. Veteran teacher could have a workshop that gives a theory or a new technology thing that you can use and they can think, okay, yes, this is what I’ve done in my classroom in the past and this is how I’m going to change it. This is how I’m going to roll with it. A new teacher needs a lot more hands on concrete,Side-by-side help to execute those kinds of changes and execute those kinds of improvements. Some quick ways to help with this is when you create workshops for new teachers to have hands-on workshops, where teachers leave with a plan or they gain feedback during that workshop. So it’s much more individualized or have coaches, yourself as an admin, or a mastermind type group for new teachers to regularly sit down and have somebody to do that planning and helping them through thinking through them through questions and reflecting and creating things together rather than saying, this is what you need to do. Go do it
Jeanne (18:17):
Three, I would say, as I told you, Danny, before this, that I had maybe four, Oh yeah, we’re gonna, we’re going to talk about both of these. Number three is one and done programs. That’s what I call them. Maybe your requirements are to meet four times a year. So you have these four sub out days and teachers go and get a bunch of workshops about theory type things that they need to do in their classrooms and they say, good luck, goodbye. It’s just not very effective because it’s not ongoing. It’s not responsive to what teachers are asking for. So instead have groups where teachers can get together and support each other during the year, all year. Even if you don’t have the resources to have one person facilitating those at least have a space where teachers can get together and talk to each other.
Jeanne (19:11):
This is huge, if possible, decreases teacher’s load so that they can have time to do PD and actually enact the changes of these. If you can only have these one and done type things during the year, give teachers time that they can actually make those changes in their classroom. It’s kind of crazy to expect a new teacher to be able to do everything a veteran teacher does and also learn how to do all those things as they go. So they need that time. And then finally I said this before, but let new teachers choose what they want help with and four, I’m adding another one. So often with new teacher programs, trust issues are embedded in the program. The idea of having a mentor, the idea of having an instructional coach in your building, helping and being the point person for your teachers is a great idea in theory.
Jeanne (20:00):
I don’t care if you have the most genuine politics, free, wonderful instructional coach or mentor for your new teachers. I think it’s wise for a new teacher to be wary of who to trust the first year they’re in a building. They don’t know who people talk to and the real “confidentiality” that’s going on in the building. So I would say, take a hard look at who you have supporting your teachers, think about what politics there may be or may appear to be from the outside, because that’s just as important for new teachers to trust, emphasize that confidentiality in your building. Make sure your instructional coaches are coaches and not evaluators, and that is driven home. I think the safest way to address this is to provide opportunities for teachers to get help outside of their own schools so you’re safe from those kinds of trust issues that can be just inherent in having a bunch of people working together.
Daniel (21:03):
Yeah. It makes sense whether it’s sports or musicians or businesses they hire different positions of coaches and consultants and that’s because it helps to have another set of eyes on a challenge that isn’t ingrained within the culture. Where it might be an echo chamber where everybody kind of sees things the same way. Plus, They have no dog in the race or horse. I never remember. So let’s say horse in the race, but you know they have no stakes in that challenge so they can just be brutally honest, which is a reason I think the stuff we provide works. Their role, if they’re doing it worth their salt, they’re not going to go and share what’s happening within the support they offer. That trust piece is huge where you landed, because I remember one school I worked at just very positive and exuberant and enthusiastic, a teacher who helped out with novice teacher training and that kind of thing. But everybody knew if you told this person something it’s spread like wildfire throughout the school. But I think the challenge, I wasn’t the principal at the time, there are some people that, you know, are very effective. So this person was a very effective teacher, right.
Daniel (22:28):
But not effective with confidentiality and we didn’t remove the two. I’m working with another leader right now as well. She’s considering putting a person in a new administrative role because the person is an incredibly hard worker and knows the culture back and forth. So I would say she has 95% of the skillset and value for the position, but there’s 5% where she does like super shady stuff that causes problems. I just had to help her see that 5%. Because even though it’s only maybe 5% of the person’s actions, the consequences equal a lot of time and pain in relational capitals spent. I don’t think the leader I coach was considering. So we’re at a good place now, but that’s, that’s very true. So I appreciate you sharing those pitfalls before the year starts kind of like the one and done, you mentioned the concrete enough and then the trust. So I think you have created a resource for the Ruckus Makers listening, where people can go where you’ve identified these 10 pitfalls and how to overcome them. So where can people find those if they want to download it for free?
Jeanne (23:44):
There’s 10 of them and I give ideas for how to overcome them and you can find them on my website
Daniel (23:57):
All right. So blbs That’s for better leaders, better schools and you can get that for free, which is 10 common pitfalls of new teacher programs and how to overcome them. Great. So let’s pause here just for a second, for a message from our sponsors. When we get back a couple of stories about masterminds and we’ll finish off our lovely conversation, the better leaders better schools podcast is brought to you by organized binder, organized binders and evidence-based RTI, tier one universal level solution, and focuses on improving executive functioning and non cognitive skills. You can learn more and improve your student [email protected]. The better leaders better schools. Podcast is brought to you by teach FX school leaders know that productive student talk drives student learning, but the average teacher talks 75% of class time teach FX is changing that with a Fitbit for teachers that automatically measures student engagement. It gives teachers feedback about what they could do differently. Learn more about the teach FX app. You can get a special 20% discount for your school or district by visiting That’s
Daniel (25:23):
Alright. And we’re back with Jeanne Woltz of Teacher Off Duty. We’re talking about New Teacher Masterminds and common pitfalls that we often see in new teacher programs and how to overcome them. Again, that’s a free [email protected]/blbs. So masterminds, you’re facilitating new teacher masterminds. Tell us just a story from facilitating, leading those groups and what you’ve learned about teaching that you maybe didn’t see before leading these masterminds.
Jeanne (25:58):
That’s a great question. I think with these mastermind groups, what they’ve done for me is they’ve, kind of confirmed what I already had a feeling was true. That is, most people are dealing with the same kind of problems and we don’t talk to each other often enough about them. Many times, we have the answers to the problems that we have, we just haven’t found the mechanism to find those answers within ourselves. For example, in January, just this past January, we had a group and just across the board, every single hot seat that members were bringing, do I need to go over what a hot seat is? Danny, do your listeners know what that is?
Daniel (26:40):
You might just because this might be the first episode they’ve ever listened to.
Jeanne (26:44):
Okay. So I’m in a mastermind group. The way it works is the heart of a mastermind program is the hot seat. A hot seat is where members in the group take turns and they share a problem or a challenge that they’re facing and what they’re doing, in this case, it’s in their classroom and the rest of the members, then give ideas, ask probing questions, give perspective, and help them come up with a concrete action plan to tackle that problem themselves. So in January, in this group, everybody’s hot seat that they brought across, usually we have a variety, but every single person was talking about teacher burnout, helping their own motivation and also answering that question like, is this career for me, it was not a super happy group when we first started that meeting, but when we left, everybody was feeling, it was like night and day.
Jeanne (27:35):
What really struck me was what one member said at the end and she was the last hot seat to go. She’s like, honestly, guys, my hotseat was the same as all of yours and I realized in talking to all of you that I had all the answers. I knew all the answers to my problem. It just took me giving you advice in order to realize that I had those answers. So, I just need to take my own advice. That’s what I love about masterminds for new teachers is because so often they think that they are new, they don’t know anything, they’re failures. That’s what they’re feeling. Masterminds, not only is it an opportunity for them to receive help, but it’s also an opportunity for them to own their own expertise and realize that they really do have some awesome ideas and they really do know what they’re doing. It just takes a little practice to come up and know which answers are the right ones.
Daniel (28:24):
It’s a great observation because I think a lot of people begin to work with me and they love the idea of the hot seat because they know, okay, I have this problem and it’s going to get fixed because I have a board of directors, 10 to 15 other awesome school leaders that I can trust from their experience around the world and they’re going to help me figure it out, which is true. What always happens 9 times out of 10, people actually start valuing other people’s hot seats more because, like you said, A, you remember you have the wisdom, expertise and experience within you. B, it feels good to help people out and be generous. C, they’re good reminders. Like, Oh, I totally forgot. I should be planning for that and now I need to do something about it.
Daniel (29:15):
Then the last point D, would be sometimes you get exposed to stuff like, Oh, I didn’t even know that existed. We all develop blind spots and you don’t have a character flaw. That’s just living inside your own head. It’s going to happen and so they have a group to point out where you may be weak or have a shortcoming or you’re just not seeing something. That’s worth the price of admission itself. Thank you for sharing that about the hot seat there. And I’m just curious, I’d love to ask, most people know that I run school leader masterminds, but there’s also a small little band of us that we call edupreneurs and business leaders in education. You’re a part of that group. Can you just share a bit about what your experience has been like so far?
Jeanne (30:01):
Yeah, I feel like I’m going to echo what you’re saying, but joining genuinely and honestly joining the edupreneur mastermind was hands down the best choice that I ever made for my own professional development. I say that genuinely, and I think there’s a lot of reasons for that. One of them is that I’m surrounded by change makers and other people that are motivated to solve their own problems and make change in the world and also have a wealth of knowledge that they can share. But it’s also about building these relationships, being surrounded by people that are supporting you and rooting for you and having a place to go when I have these problems that I don’t know who else to turn to, to talk about them. And then also those moments that you just said, like those, those blind sides, I think those are my favorite moments when I’m in a mastermind group as a member, but then also watching as a facilitator, these moments that you can see it in people’s faces, like they’re really stressed out about a problem and then somebody says something and they’re like, say that again. Like, what I’ve never heard of before tells me more about that and it’s like, their whole world has just shifted and the whole landscape is different. That’s happened for me personally in a mastermind many, many times. And then it has also happened. I’ve seen it so often in my own groups too.
Daniel (31:17):
Yeah. I love when I see you scribbling down notes or like Aubry with his whiteboard, you know, those moments like, alright, there’s something cool happening there.
Jeanne (31:25):
Right. I eyes kind of glaze over and people are recalculating.
Daniel (31:29):
Thank you for sharing that. I appreciate it. Okay, cool. So each guest answers these two questions as we round up this conversation. I’m curious if you could put a message on all school marquees around the globe for just a day. What would your message say?
Jeanne (31:47):
I think the message I would put is that you have something to say, and it kind of follows from what my beginnings as a writing teacher. My goal was to not, not give students voices, they already have voices, but to help amplify those voices and I feel the same way about new teachers. They have a voice. It’s important to remember that they have one and that they can use it and they have so much to bring to the table and that goes for anybody in a school building. So that’s, that’s the message I’d put
Daniel (32:20):
You’re building a school from the ground up. You’re not limited by any resources. Your only limitation is your imagination. How would you build your dream school and what would be your top three priorities?
Jeanne (32:31):
Okay. So I thought about this and I’m cheating a little bit, but the first one is a little bit complicated, but it’s about how every teacher would have access to several different things. One is a personal technology assistant slash engineer. This is a person that not only when you could go to and be like, look, I really want a faster way to grade these can you come up with a way? And they would like to design that for you, but also they would follow you around in your, the classroom and be like, you know what, there’s a better way to do this. This is a faster way, or this is a more powerful way or more transformational way. That’s one. Then also they’d have a teacher assistant to help make things go faster for them, a coach that they trust that they can meet with on a regular basis.
Jeanne (33:18):
And then a Mastermind group of course, that they could work with because I think it’s powerful. Okay, that was one. The second one is a lighter load across the board. Teachers need lighter loads, period. Teachers have so much creativity, so much of their own power that gets completely buried because they have so much on their plates. So I would say lighter load and especially for new teachers who are learning the ropes. And then finally I would give teachers opportunities to meet and learn from other educators across the world because we need to be talking to each other. We can be talking to each other as we’re learning right now, and these COVID times and teachers need those opportunities to learn from each other. There’s no point in reinventing the wheel.
Daniel (34:02):
Jeanne, thank you so much for being a part of a better leaders, better schools, podcast, all the things we talked about today, what’s the one thing you want a Ruckus Maker to remember? I think that is that you don’t have to be miserable just because you’re new at something. I think that it’s no different for new teachers. When you’re new at something, it can be a really exciting time, a really transformational time. I think it’s really important for new teachers to remember that. But I think it’s equally, if not more important for administrators to think about that, if they’re new as an administrator, but also, the kind of environments they’re creating for their new teachers and what experiences it creates.
Daniel (34:49):
Thanks for listening to the better leaders, better schools, podcast, Ruckus Maker. If you have a question or would like to connect my email, [email protected] or hit me up on Twitter @alienearbud. If the better leaders better schools, podcast is helping you grow as a school leader, then please help us serve more Ruckus Makers like you. You can subscribe, leave an honest rating and review or share on social media with your biggest takeaway. From the episode, extra credit for tagging me on Twitter @alien earbud and using the #blbs level up your leadership at better leaders, better and talk to you next time until then class dismissed.
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- Focuses on improving executive functioning and noncognitive skills
- Is in direct alignment with the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework
- Is an integral component for ensuring Least Restrictive Environments (LRE)
You can learn more and improve your student’s success at
School leaders know that productive student talk drives student learning, but the average teacher talks 75% of class time! TeachFX is changing that with a “Fitbit for teachers” that automatically measures student engagement and gives teachers feedback about what they could do differently.
Learn more about the TeachFX app and get a special 20% discount for your school or district by visiting
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