The Positive Spotlight Tool™

Get more of what you want, when you want it.


Let’s face it … As a school leader it’s frustrating when you say one thing and your people do the exact opposite. It’s even more frustrating when they’re not doing this intentionally or maliciously – but they honestly believe they’re doing what you want!

Another challenge of school leadership is doing the hard work of creating meaningful core values, only to have them forgotten a few weeks later.

These challenges are incredible opportunities for you as a leader.

The Positive Spotlight Tool™ changes everything for you.

When you download The Positive Spotlight Tool™, I’ll send you the tool and a quick coaching video that shows how to use it.

You can use it individually, with your leadership team, or your entire staff. Teachers can use this tool and create momentum in their classrooms. This tool is a catalyst for so many positive benefits on your campus.

By working the 5-steps of The Positive Spotlight Tool™, you’ll begin to get more of what you want, when you want it.

And like all our tools, you can complete it in 10-minutes or less.